Procuratorial Highlights
Anhui procuratorial organs create a new engine of "intelligent procuratorial work"!
Time: October 9, 2017 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

   On September 26, the National Conference on Intelligent Procuratorial Work of Procuratorial Organs was held in Suzhou, where the achievements of intelligent procuratorial work construction from procuratorial organs of 11 provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government were exhibited.  

   Anhui procuratorial organs, with the theme of "voice moving the Yangtze Huaihe River and intelligence assisting procuratorial work", start with the application of intelligent voice technology in procuratorial organs across the province, and combine the progress and effectiveness of Anhui's informatization construction, to interactively display three contents for visitors, including intelligent voice cloud platform, intelligent auxiliary support platform, and procuratorial affairs disclosure and service platform.    

   The leaders of the relevant departments of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, such as Procurator General Cao Jianming and Deputy Procurator General Zhang Xueqiao of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, and leaders of other provincial procuratorates and heads of procuratorial technology departments, have visited and guided the Anhui exhibition area in person, and listened to the explanation and report of the Anhui exhibition area.  

   In his speech at the conference, Procurator General Cao Jianming fully affirmed the effectiveness of the comprehensive application of intelligent voice system by Anhui procuratorial organs. During the on-site visit, Procurator General Cao Jianming praised the Anhui procuratorial organs for actively exploring the deep integration of procuratorial work and providing a usable Anhui sample for the national procuratorial organs' intelligent voice applications.    

   On the morning of September 27, at the experience exchange meeting on the construction of intelligent procuratorial affairs, Deputy Procurator General Zhang Mian, on behalf of Anhui, made an experience exchange speech to the national procuratorial organs on "Actively embracing the new technology of" intelligent voice "and striving to build a new engine of" intelligent procuratorial affairs ", introduced the construction and application results of Anhui intelligent voice technology, and broadcast a feature film on the construction of intelligent voice of Anhui procuratorial organs. Zhang Mian, Deputy Procurator General, said that Anhui procuratorial organs will focus on building a cross departmental big data case handling platform, expanding intelligent voice applications, and developing and applying big data aided decision-making systems to create a new engine for the development of Anhui's smart procuratorial services.