Criminal prosecution
The Procurator of Bozhou: Holding Public Hearings on Judicial Assistance Cases
Time: July 6, 2020 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small
 [Judicial Assistance] Bozhou: After the public hearing, why did the applicant Li once choke?

In order to further deepen the openness of procuratorial affairs, promote justice through openness, and let the people feel the procuratorial temperature, Bozhou People's Procuratorate held a public hearing on the application of Li and Xu for judicial assistance cases on July 2. Representatives of the Municipal People's Congress, CPPCC members and people's supervisors are invited to participate in the review.

In 2018, Mr. Wei drove a tricycle and injured Mr. Fang, causing Grade I disability of Mr. Fang to remain in a vegetative state. The procuratorial organ made a decision not to prosecute Wei with unclear facts and insufficient evidence. When the victim's family appealed to the Bozhou Procuratorate, the relevant departments found the rescue clue and offered to help.

According to the investigation, the civil part of the original case was judged by the court to pay more than 1.8 million yuan of compensation, but Wei had no desire and ability to pay compensation, and actually failed to perform the civil compensation obligation. Fang also died in April this year. There was still a minor child studying in school, and an elderly mother. Family life was particularly difficult. In line with the principle of solving emergency difficulties and highlighting the judicial temperature, Bozhou Procuratorate decided to give judicial relief funds of 82000 yuan to Li and Xu.

 [Judicial Assistance] Bozhou: After the public hearing, why did the applicant Li once choke?

After the procuratorial organ put forward the advice on relief, the hearers who participated in the hearing expressed their appreciation for the procuratorial organ's initiative in relief, and gave good advice and suggestions in terms of social assistance, minors' care and psychological counseling.

 [Judicial Assistance] Bozhou: After the public hearing, why did the applicant Li once choke?

After the hearing and review, they agreed that the connection between the judicial assistance of the procuratorial organ and the social assistance of public welfare organizations extends the tentacles of law enforcement and case handling and assistance, makes love pass on, and demonstrates the judicial temperature and social warmth.

"I'm really grateful... When the prosecutor came to my hometown in Shandong Province to visit my son and mother, he didn't even have a glass of water to drink... Today he gave us relief money, and I am very grateful... I will educate the child well in the future, so that he can repay the society. Thank you to the procuratorate." After the public hearing, the applicant Li once choked.