Criminal prosecution
Yongqiao, Suzhou: "Judicial Assistance+Poverty Alleviation" Helps Fight Poverty Alleviation
Time: June 4, 2020 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

   All along, the People's Procuratorate of Yongqiao District, Suzhou City, Anhui Province, according to the requirements of the Opinions of the Supreme People's Procuratorate and the Office of the Leading Group for Poverty Alleviation and Development of the State Council on the Implementation of the Procuratorate's National Judicial Assistance Work to Support Poverty Alleviation, Actively carry out the working mode of "judicial assistance+poverty alleviation" We will build a "warm bridge" to poverty alleviation among the people in special difficulties who "become poor because of cases", send the care of the Party and the government to their hands and hearts, and fully promote the poverty alleviation work in Yongqiao District.  


   The Yongqiao District People's Procuratorate handles more than a few cases like the ones discussed by prosecutors every year. In the case of the defendant Li Mouquan causing the death of the victim Chen Mouxi in a traffic accident, the court made a criminal incidental civil judgment in May 2017, sentenced the defendant Li Mouquan to one year and six months' imprisonment for the crime of traffic accident, and compensated more than 420000 yuan for various economic losses. Later, the wife of Chen Mouxi, the victim of the original case, applied to the court for compulsory execution, but the defendant, Li Mouquan, was unable to obtain any economic compensation because of his inability to compensate. Before his death, Chen was the main source of income for his family. After his death, Li had elderly parents to support and two young children to support. His family life was in trouble.  

   After receiving the report, the Procurator General of the Court took the initiative to go to the door with his team, carefully guided the applicant to prepare materials, and instructed the village poverty alleviation police to provide assistance; In order to get the rescue funds in place as soon as possible, we also communicated and coordinated with the relevant departments many times. It took only four days from the case acceptance to the rescue decision.  

   In November 2019, the next day after the relief funds arrived, the Procurator General personally delivered 50000 yuan of relief funds to Li, and instructed the village poverty relief cadres to continue to pay attention to help and ensure their stability in life.  

   The national judicial relief work is an important part of the judicial case handling work of the procuratorial organ, a platform for the procuratorial organ to directly serve the masses, and is of great significance for helping the poverty alleviation strategy. Under the background of the special activity of "judicial assistance and poverty alleviation strategy" carried out by the provincial procuratorial organs, the Procurator General took the lead in handling judicial assistance cases, aiming to improve the application effect of the "judicial assistance+poverty alleviation" model, and give full play to the procuratorial function to help combat poverty precisely.  

   It is reported that since 2019, Yongqiao District Procuratorate has used this working mode, A total of more than 630000 yuan was applied for relief funds for 15 people who were poor because of the case, "On the road to poverty alleviation, there is no shortage of one". The procuratorial organ has built a "warm bridge" with judicial assistance to send the care of the Party and the government to the people in need.