Criminal prosecution
Prosecutors in Anhui Province: A Cross provincial Remote Interrogation in a Special Period
Time: April 28, 2020 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small
   On April 26, Xu Shanlin and Cheng Jinji, the procurators of the Fourth Procuratorate of the Anhui Provincial Procuratorate, successfully completed the video interrogation of Mr. Zhang, who was waiting on bail at his home in Wenling, Zhejiang Province, in the remote interrogation room of the Anhui Provincial Procuratorate.  

   Zhang, an 80 year old appellant in a contract fraud case, is now on bail at home. In view of the fact that the appellant is old and in the period of epidemic prevention and control, the Anhui Provincial Procuratorate took the initiative to discuss with the Zhejiang Provincial Procuratorate about the cross provincial remote video interrogation. Under the coordination of the procuratorates of the two provinces, Xu Shanlin and Cheng Jinlin contacted the relevant business departments of Wenling Procuratorate, communicated in depth about the details of the appellant's receiving remote video interrogation at Wenling Procuratorate, and made it clear that Wenling Procuratorate would arrange a prosecutor to participate in the whole process, and provide timely assistance when the appellant could not hear clearly or had other needs, To ensure the smooth progress of the interrogation.  

   The information technology department of the Anhui Provincial Procuratorate actively coordinated with the relevant departments of the Zhejiang Provincial Procuratorate on technical support issues. With the full cooperation of the procuratorial information technology departments of two provinces and three places, the remote video system successfully completed the remote "space separation" interrogation in this special period.