Criminal prosecution
Ningguo Procurator: If the prosecutor cheats during the epidemic, he will be punished severely and quickly
Time: February 11, 2020 Author: News source: SRC-822311103 [Font size: large | in | Small
Since the start of the fight against COVID-19, the whole country has worked together to fight against the epidemic. However, some lawbreakers seize the public's psychological and protection needs and use WeChat and the Internet to carry out illegal fraud activities. On February 3, a fraud case of online purchase of masks occurred in Ningguo City, Anhui Province, involving more than 35000 yuan.

After the occurrence of the case, the Ningguo People's Procuratorate attached great importance to it and immediately assigned prosecutors to intervene in advance to learn the details of the case and the collection of evidence from the public security organ, and guide the public security organ to investigate and collect evidence. On February 6, the defendant Huang was successfully captured by the public security organ. On February 9, after the case was transferred to the Ningguo Municipal People's Procuratorate, the prosecutor carefully examined the case, promptly brought up the defendant Huang, verified the facts and evidence of the case and traced the whereabouts of the stolen money, launched the rapid prosecution mechanism under the condition of ensuring that the evidence was true and sufficient, and it took only two days from the review to the initiation of public prosecution. The defendant Huang confessed his fraud, And voluntarily plead guilty to punishment.

During the period of prevention and control of COVID-19 epidemic, the defendant, Mr. Huang, defrauded others of property in the name of selling masks for prevention and control, with a large amount of money. His act has violated Article 266 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China. The criminal facts are clear and the evidence is really sufficient, and his act has been suspected of fraud. The case was brought to Ningguo People's Court for public prosecution on February 10.

According to the Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate on Several Issues Concerning the Specific Application of Law in Handling Criminal Cases that Obstruct the Prevention and Control of Sudden Infectious Disease Epidemic and Other Disasters, during the prevention and control of sudden infectious disease epidemic and other disasters, under the pretext of developing, producing or selling supplies for the prevention and control of sudden infectious disease epidemic and other disasters, If the amount of public or private property defrauded is relatively large, he shall be convicted in accordance with the provisions of the Criminal Law on the crime of fraud and given a heavier punishment according to law.

   The Prosecutor reminds: Online shopping should be carried out on the formal trading platform. When purchasing respirators and other protective equipment, you must go through the formal channels. Do not trust unknown online sales information to avoid being cheated.