Criminal prosecution
Hefei Changfeng: During the epidemic prevention and control period, four suspects were brought forward remotely
Time: February 7, 2020 Author: News source: SRC-25708896 [Font size: large | in | Small

"This is Sun Xianxiang, the lawyer on duty assigned by the Changfeng County Justice Bureau to the Changfeng County Procuratorate. We are Zhao Yongmei, the Procurator of the First Procuratorate Department of the Changfeng County Procuratorate, and Yang Jie, the Assistant Procurator. Considering that you are currently in the period of epidemic prevention and control, in order to ensure your health, today we have a remote interrogation of you. Are you clear?" At 16:20 p.m. on February 5, In the remote interrogation room of the Procuratorate of Changfeng County, Anhui Province, Zhao Yongmei, the prosecutor, said to the criminal suspect Cao Moumou who was in custody in the detention center of Changfeng County at another terminal through the screen.

Zhao Yongmei is the director and prosecutor of the first procuratorial department of Changfeng County Procuratorate. During the trial, she informed Cao of the relevant rights and obligations according to the law, and introduced the relevant content of the system of confession, punishment and leniency. "Mr. Cao, are you willing to plead guilty and accept punishment for your suspected gambling crime?" "Yes." Under the witness of Sun Xianxiang, the lawyer on duty, Mr. Cao signed his name on the letter of confession and punishment. After the remote interrogation, Zhang Xiaowei, a police officer of the procuratorial office of the detention house in the county, sent the written statement signed by Cao back to the unit, and Sun Xianxiang, the lawyer on duty, signed the written statement.

In the afternoon, including Cao, Zhao Yongmei remotely questioned 4 suspects, and the other 3 suspects were suspected of illegal mining and dangerous goods. These four cases are currently in the stage of review and prosecution.

In order to do a good job in this remote review, the Changfeng County Procuratorate has made full preparations in terms of technical support and epidemic prevention and control. As the remote examination terminal line of Changfeng County Detention Center was damaged, on February 4, the hospital urgently arranged our technicians Chen Runzhi and Yang Zhiyuan to carry out emergency repair together with the police of the county detention center Zhang Xiaowei and Tong Xin. After several hours of repair, the audio and video connection of the two terminals reviewed remotely is normal. Later, they disinfected two remote examination rooms. Before the arraignment on February 5, Zhang Xiaowei also cooperated with the police of the detention center to take epidemic prevention measures against four suspects, including Cao.

Zhao Yongmei told reporters: "During the epidemic prevention and control period, for criminal suspects, remote interrogation can not only timely and effectively protect their litigation rights and interests, but also protect their life and health. We should use it more!"