Criminal prosecution
The Procuratorate of Huashan District, Ma'anshan City intervened in a case of selling fake masks in advance
Time: February 7, 2020 Author: News source: Xinhua News Agency [Font size: large | in | Small

Since the outbreak of pneumonia caused by COVID-19, masks have become the most popular and even out of stock commodities. Wang Mou, a legal person of a pharmacy in Ma'anshan City, asked for masks through WeChat group, and Ma Mou and others in Taihe County claimed to be able to provide supply. Without verifying whether Ma and others have the qualification to sell medical devices, Wang purchased 300000 disposable masks marked "Produced by Henan Piao'an Group Co., Ltd." from Ma at the Taihe County Expressway intersection; Immediately put it into the subordinate stores for sales. By the time of the crime, more than 200000 masks had been sold, with a sales volume of more than 100000 yuan.


Through investigation, this batch of masks is as thin as paper and of poor quality, which is seriously inconsistent with the specifications of disposable medical masks produced by the real "Henan Piao'an Group Co., Ltd.".


After learning about the case, the People's Procuratorate of Huashan District, Ma'anshan City took the initiative to intervene in advance as soon as possible to understand the case in detail, comprehensively sort out the existing evidence from the two aspects of criminal proceedings and public interest litigation, and put forward opinions on the fixation of evidence, the source of masks involved in the case, inspection and identification.


At present, the case is under further investigation.