Criminal prosecution
Chuzhou Quanjiao: Involved in the case of selling fake "3M masks" in advance
Time: February 5, 2020 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

At about 11:00 on February 2, 2020, Chuzhou Quanjiao County Public Security Bureau, after receiving the clue from the Market Supervision Bureau of Quanjiao County, and together with the Market Supervision Bureau of Quanjiao County, made a surprise inspection of a front room in Chengou Community, Xianghe Town, Quanjiao County (Chuzhou Xinyikang Commerce and Trade Co., Ltd.), and found 3819 3M brand series masks on the spot. Through preliminary inspection, the masks were counterfeit and shoddy products.


On the same day, the public security organ filed an investigation on the suspect Kang. After receiving the notification, the Quanjiao County Procuratorate immediately assigned the head of the first procuratorial department to connect with the investigation organ. It intervened in advance as soon as possible, put forward four procuratorial opinions to guide the investigation and evidence collection, and designated a special person to contact, so as to understand the case and evidence collection at any time, laying a solid foundation for the next step of case handling.


At present, the suspect Kang has been held in criminal detention, and the case is in the process of further processing.