Civil administrative procuratorate
[Inspection and protection of people's livelihood] Huangshan Xiuning: "support litigation+" help workers to achieve "salary" wish
Time: May 23, 2024 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

May 10, 2024, Anhui Legal Daily, 3rd edition

Original title

Procurator Xiuning: "Support litigation+" help workers achieve their "salary" wish

In order to thoroughly implement the purpose of justice for the people and effectively solve the people's urgent problems, in recent years, Xiuning County Procuratorate has fully performed its civil procuratorial supervision responsibilities, innovated the "support for prosecution+" model, unblocked the "green channel" for special groups to safeguard their rights according to law, handled 31 cases of support for prosecution since 2023, and helped special groups such as migrant workers recover more than 500000 yuan of economic losses according to law, Improve the "temperature" of people's livelihood with the "strength" of procuratorial work.

Support prosecution+legal aid, and unblock the green rights protection channel. With the County Legal Aid Center, we explored the establishment of a cooperation mechanism of "support for prosecution+legal aid", and made it clear that when accepting legal aid cases, legal aid institutions should respect the wishes of the parties, and promptly transfer the clues to the procuratorial organ, so as to maximize the protection of the legitimate rights and interests of the people through the way of "support for prosecution+legal aid". Since 2023, the Court has received 25 transfer clues, filed and successfully handled 20 supporting prosecution cases.

Support prosecution+public hearing, and promote the resolution of conflicts and disputes. Organize and hold hearings on complex cases, listen to the opinions of the parties to the case, introduce third-party hearing personnel to participate in the review, and actively invite representatives of the labor supervision team of the county Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, lawyers, etc. to attend as nonvoting delegates, to explore solutions to disputes from the facts of the case, application of laws, policies and regulations, so as to minimize the burden of litigation of the parties and make fairness and justice more tangible. Since 2023, a total of 8 hearings have been held on cases supporting prosecution, and 2 pre litigation settlements have been reached between the parties.

Support prosecution+judicial assistance, and deliver justice for the people. Give full play to the role of judicial assistance in emergency relief and provide "timely umbrella" for people in need. In handling the case of supporting Wang to ask for salary, the prosecutor learned that Wang raised his 10-year-old daughter alone. His parents were both over 70 years old, and his mother had been hospitalized for a long time due to illness. The family economy was very difficult. The undertaker took the initiative to guide Wang to apply for national judicial assistance, and the hospital quickly applied for 3000 yuan of judicial assistance through the green channel to solve the urgent problem.