Civil administrative procuratorate
[Procuratorial Protection Enterprise] Hefei High tech: establish an intellectual property procuratorial system of "strike+protection+service"
Time: April 30, 2024 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

The front page of Procuratorial Daily on April 30, 2024

"Procuratorate and protect enterprises" in action column

Original title

Hefei High tech: establish "strike+protection+service" Intellectual property inspection system

Science and innovation enterprises enjoy the "rule of law dinner"

Reporter Wang Yuxuan Correspondent Xiao Qilin

Luzhou was beautiful in ancient times, and Hefei is new today.

In Hefei, Anhui Province, "new" elements can be seen everywhere: the "artificial sun" on the Science Island guides the direction of nuclear fusion energy development and utilization, the "Zuchongzhi" quantum computing cloud platform, which is open to the world, unveils the quantum mystery, and the "iFLYTEK Spark" cognitive model changes the way of production and life... This city is known locally as "Koliko gas", Not only has it entered the "trillion club" as a "dark horse", but even the daily life of residents is inseparable from the word "wisdom".

From April 22 to 23, we went to Hefei in the spring with many media units, and felt the development pulse of "a famous city of scientific innovation" and the procuratorial guard behind it in the hot scene of roaring machines and busy production.

Kedahaochuang Software Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Kedahaochuang"), located in Hefei High tech Industrial Development Zone, is a high-tech listed enterprise committed to the research and development and application of cloud computing, big data, the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence and other fields, and building intelligent products integrated with software and hardware. With a number of core patents and independent intellectual property rights, scientific and technological innovation often faces difficulties in intellectual property protection in the process of operation and development. How to seek help and solve problems? The procuratorate of Hefei High tech Industrial Development Zone (hereinafter referred to as "the procuratorate of Hefei High tech Industrial Development Zone"), an "old friend" created by Kedali, has offered him a job.

▲ Hold a theme forum

In September 2023, Hefei High tech Zone Procuratorate and Kedalianchuang launched a series of "joint construction of inspection and enterprise" activities, established daily contact, consultation and handling, joint meetings and other mechanisms, focused on intellectual property protection, prevention and resolution of major risks and other aspects to make a list of enterprise appeals, and provided legal advice to enterprises point-to-point. Since this year, in combination with the special action of "procuratorial work and enterprise protection" deployed by the highest level of procuratorial work, the hospital has opened up a "green channel" for consulting services on the basis of "joint construction of procuratorial work and enterprise work", increased efforts to publicize law interpretation and the rule of law, and guided enterprises and internal personnel to enhance their awareness of risk prevention and self-protection. According to Kong Wansheng, Vice President of Kedalianchuang, these practical measures not only make "enterprises go to the judicial authorities" become "judicial authorities take the initiative to contact enterprises", but also make enterprises better free up their hands and focus on their main business.

"Through centralized teaching, production of publicity videos and other forms, we have used the" grounding "method to let sci-tech innovation enterprises have a good" rule of law dinner ", and do in-depth and solid rule of law publicity work to ensure the healthy development of sci-tech innovation enterprises." Gu Ke, Deputy Procurator General of Hefei High tech Zone Procuratorate, said.

"Protecting enterprises" is not only reflected in providing effective legal services for enterprises and meeting the needs of enterprises under the rule of law, but also in cracking down on intellectual property infringement crimes in accordance with the law.

In handling the case of copyright infringement by Zhao and others, the procurator of the court intervened in accordance with the law and put forward opinions on the application of the law and the nature of the case, laying a solid foundation for the smooth handling of the case; In a case of trade secret infringement, the undertaking prosecutor visited the infringed unit, consulted relevant technical experts on the production principle of the spectrograph involved, the uniqueness of technical secret points and other issues, to ensure that the case was accurately identified and accurately reviewed and prosecuted. "We have improved the level of professional and refined handling of cases through legal intervention, expert consultation, public hearings and other ways to promote the upgrading of intellectual property procuratorial work." Xing Wenjing, prosecutor of the Third Procuratorate Department (Intellectual Property Procuratorate Department) of the Court, said that handling intellectual property procuratorial cases cannot be separated from procuratorial technicians, intellectual property experts and other personnel, as well as public security Cooperation of courts, market supervision and other departments.

▲ The case handling prosecutor is discussing the case

Cooperation is not only in case handling, but also in daily life. For trademark cases that account for the largest proportion in the types of intellectual property cases, in April 2023, the Court and the court countersigned the "Reference Opinions on Sentencing of Crimes against Trademark Rights (Trial)" to ensure the standardization and uniformity of the application of laws in trademark cases; Focusing on serving the construction of Hefei National Intellectual Property Protection Demonstration Zone, in June 2023, the Institute participated in the expert seminar on the application of the "full process certificate storage+judicial verification" model in trade secret protection, and in July of the same year, it countersigned the "Hefei High tech Zone Trade Secret Protection Cooperation Mechanism" with market supervision and other departments to further improve the quality and efficiency of trade secret protection

With a series of intensive deployment arrangements, the performance report of the intellectual property procurator of the Court has become more and more eye-catching. Up to now, 2 cases handled by the Court have been selected as the typical cases of intellectual property protection of procuratorial organs released by the Supreme People's Procuratorate, 9 cases have been rated as the typical cases of intellectual property protection of procuratorial organs in Anhui Province, and the Third Procuratorial Department of the Court has been awarded the title of "Outstanding Collective in National Intellectual Property Protection Work in 2022".

▲ Intellectual property case handling team of Hefei High tech Industrial Development Zone Procuratorate

"Next, we will rely on digital procuratorial work and establish relevant databases to promote the high-quality development of intellectual property procuratorial work with data empowerment." Gu Ke said that the Institute will comprehensively use the "strike+protection+service" intellectual property procuratorial system to guard this hot spot for innovation and creation of technology-based enterprises.