Civil administrative procuratorate
[Inspection and protection of people's livelihood] Yingshang, Fuyang: the legal inspection branch jointly built a "code" to brighten the sunset
Time: April 25, 2024 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

In order to carry forward the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation of respecting, respecting, loving and helping the elderly, and enhance the awareness of the elderly to safeguard their rights according to law, the Second Party Branch of the Procuratorate of Yingshang County, Fuyang City, in conjunction with the Party Branch of the Judicial Management Office of Yingshang County Court, went to Fushou Elderly Care Apartment in Xinji Town to carry out the party day activity themed "civil law 'code' bright 'sunset red'" rule of law publicity.

During the activity, the procuratorial police focused on the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China, the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of the Rights and Interests of the Elderly, the Regulations on Legal Aid and other contents, and from the perspective of the protection of the rights and interests of the elderly, used friendly language and rich cases to deal with the common civil rights and interests, guardianship and property inheritance of the elderly in life, In particular, the maintenance between the elderly and their children and other issues were explained in simple terms to help the elderly understand the social significance behind the laws and regulations, so that the elderly deeply feel the importance of learning to use legal weapons to protect their own rights and interests.

At the same time, the procuratorial police also carried out typical case analysis and explanation on the frequent telecommunications network fraud, health care product fraud, old-age fraud and other crimes against the personal and property rights and interests of the elderly in recent years, reminding everyone to enhance their awareness of prevention, improve their ability to recognize fraud and prevent fraud, and protect their "money pockets".

After the activity, the elderly said that although their social activities were reduced, they would still encounter difficult legal problems. This publicity activity not only popularized the law for them, but also enriched everyone's life in the nursing home. I hope that more such activities can be carried out in the future.