Civil administrative procuratorate
[Inspection and protection of people's livelihood] Bengbu Guzhen: a warm heart "maple" scene co painted by law and inspection
Time: April 22, 2024 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

April 15, 2024, Anhui Legal Daily, 4th edition

Original title

"Support for prosecution+joint mediation" and legal inspection jointly draw a warm "maple" scene

Correspondent Zhou Yu

"Thanks to the procuratorate for helping us ask for wages. With this mediation agreement as a guarantee, we are not afraid of not getting wages." On March 27, in the micro court of Qiaodong Village, Renqiao Town, Guzhen County, Yao, a migrant worker, said excitedly.

In March 2024, 14 migrant workers, including Yao, had their normal lives affected by the long overdue salary, so they had no choice but to turn to the People's Procuratorate of Guzhen County for help, hoping that the procuratorial organ could support them to safeguard their rights through litigation. The People's Procuratorate of Guzhen County actively implemented the special action of "procuratorial blue" deployed by the provincial procuratorate to help eradicate the problem of arrears of migrant workers' wages, unblocked the "green channel" for Yao and others, and arranged special personnel to give priority to the acceptance, review, and settlement of these cases. The case handling team gathered for four days to listen to the opinions of the parties, sort out the focus of disputes between the two sides, clarify the application of law, and make a decision to support the prosecution.

"Support for prosecution is not the ultimate goal. We should do our best to help migrant workers get hard money and hard-earned money to promote social harmony and stability," said the prosecutor. Through in-depth understanding, the party Yang is not maliciously in arrears of salary, but temporarily unable to pay due to his failure to get the project funds in time and sudden family changes. After consultation, the Court and the People's Procuratorate decided to give full play to the advantages of rural micro courts, move forward the judicial service, and solve the people's troubles at their homes.

Forensic examiners jointly draw a warm heart "maple" scene. On March 27, the judges, prosecutors and members of the village committee jointly interpreted the law and reasoned with the parties in the micro court, so that they could understand each other's difficulties and facilitate the parties to reach a mediation agreement on the spot to pay salaries by installments.