Civil administrative procuratorate
Anqing Buried Hill: help solve the problem of people's "boring salary"
Time: December 22, 2023 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

December 19, 2023, Anhui Legal Daily, 4th edition

Original title

Prosecutors help solve the problem of people's "boring salary"

Correspondent Chu Sisi, Lin Meilin, reporter Wang Yuan

"Thanks to the prosecutor for sending me the judicial relief fund, and now he has helped me get back my salary and implemented so many good policies for my children! My daughter said that she would also become a prosecutor when she grows up..." On November 30, Mr. Yu thanked the "Tianzhulan" prosecution and case handling team of Qianshan People's Procuratorate.

Yu's family is in a township in Qianshan City, and his parents are old and sick. In order to relieve the family's economic pressure, in 2020, Yu will go to a private processing factory to take clothing materials home and use the rest time to process them into finished clothing. A few months later, the factory settled the salary, and the boss issued an IOU stating that "the remaining salary of nearly 30000 yuan shall be paid off within 5 days". However, the factory owner only paid 6000 yuan when it was due, and delayed the remaining 20000 yuan with various excuses.

In 2021, the helpless Yu filed a civil lawsuit to the court, and then applied for compulsory execution. However, the other party could not get back the salary due to the lack of enforceable property.

In May this year, Yu's parents urgently needed to go to other places for medical treatment, and the family was anxious to raise medical expenses. Qianshan Procuratorate found this clue through the legal procuratorial cooperation mechanism, and took the initiative to contact Mr. Yu to guide him to apply to the procuratorial organ for judicial assistance. Considering the special situation of Yumou, Qianshan Procuratorate implements the "priority acceptance, priority handling" mode to speed up the case process as much as possible. The "Tianzhulan" case handling team went to the court to verify the relevant situation of the original case and to investigate Yu's family life and parents' physical conditions.

After legal review, the court made a decision to issue judicial relief funds to Yu within 3 working days.

At the beginning of November, the "Tianzhulan" case handling team paid a return visit to the case, and learned that Mr. Yu's mother needed to go to other places for medical treatment regularly, and the high medical expenses made the family in trouble. In order to help Yumou, the team members tried several times to finally contact the factory owner. The boss said that he was poorly managed and could not pay off the debt for the time being. Prosecutors use law as the basis, apply both reason and reason, and clarify the harm of defaulting on others' wages and possible legal responsibility. After patient and careful persuasion, the factory owner promised to pay off the arrears in installments. That night, Yu received the first repayment. In the morning of the next day, the two sides signed an implementation agreement as promised and reached a settlement.