Civil administrative procuratorate
Fuyang Leader: Support the prosecution of 23 female workers for salary
Time: December 22, 2023 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

Recently, another 8 women workers have received their wages in arrears for nearly two years... So far, the wage problem involving more than 167000 yuan of 23 women workers has been completely solved. After receiving the salary, they happily came to Jieshou Municipal Procuratorate and sent the banner to express their gratitude.

From 2021 to 2022, 23 female workers, including Han, worked in the garment processing factory run by Wang, and Wang owed them thousands to tens of thousands of yuan in arrears. Han and others sought Wang to recover his salary, but could not contact Wang. Because some female workers did not have the salary IOUs issued by Wang, they faced difficulties in providing evidence in legal proceedings. For a while, 23 female workers were trapped in the dilemma of no way to recover their wages.

In June this year, the Jieshou Municipal Procuratorate and the Joint Legal Aid Center applied for legal aid lawyers for these women workers, which first solved the problem of litigation difficulty of these women workers. The procurators and case handlers performed their right of investigation and verification, promptly searched for witnesses, fixed the evidence of the amount of wages owed to some female workers, and issued the Opinions on Supporting Prosecutions to the Jieshou City Court to support them in recovering wages through litigation. The court adopted the opinion of Jieshou Municipal Procuratorate supporting the prosecution, and the judgment supported the lawsuit claims of all female workers.

The Jieshou Municipal Procuratorate further learned that Wang, as the subject of enforcement, had several cases under execution in the court. The court had frozen Wang's relevant account and found the funds available for enforcement, so it timely helped women workers apply for enforcement, and the case was also executed.

The Jieshou Municipal Procuratorate actively cooperated with the court and the legal aid department to solve the practical problems of the parties, solve the problems of the people, and strive to improve the quality and efficiency of the case handling, so as to achieve the conclusion of the case, the completion of the case, and the harmony between the people.