Civil administrative procuratorate
Jiujiang, Wuhu: Leaders Pack Cases to Reduce Hidden Dangers, and Public Hearings Stop Disputes
Time: December 19, 2023 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

The front page of Anhui Legal Daily on December 15, 2023

Original title

Leaders pack cases to reduce hidden dangers, open hearings and settle disputes

——Report from the Procuratorate of Jiujiang District, Wuhu City

Our reporter Xu Aoping Correspondent Yue

The leader has played the "head goose effect" in the Bao case, the procuratorial hearing has made fairness and justice palpable, and the judicial assistance has used emotion to solve the people's urgent problems and anxieties. In recent years, the People's Procuratorate of Jiujiang District, Wuhu City, has adhered to and developed the "Maple Bridge Experience" in the new era in judicial case handling practice, performed its legal supervision duties with high quality and efficiency, resolved social conflicts and disputes, and constantly improved the people's sense of judicial gain. Moving "Maple" scenes continue to unfold.

Letters and visits resolve the case of leadership package

"Thanks for the procuratorial organ's special trip to the village to help me solve the problem, which has troubled me for a long time, and now it's time to put it down." After multiple mediation, the complainant Lv Laohan finally stopped complaining and stopped visiting, which is inseparable from the procuratorial organ's "package" "settlement" measures.

It turned out that earlier, old man Lv was injured due to a conflict with his neighbors, and he was sorry to complain about the decision. He went to the relevant departments many times to report the situation. In February last year, after the Jiujiang District Procuratorate accepted the case in accordance with the law, it set up a special task force for case resolution, which was contracted by the Procurator General. Through reviewing materials, visiting and investigating, sorting out and analyzing, it comprehensively reviewed and traced the source of the original case and the secondary complaint cases, identified the crux, clarified the thinking, and comprehensively used measures such as legal interpretation and reasoning, leading the case to visit, and door-to-door hearing to solve the "package" of apology, compensation Mediation problems can solve both the problems and the concerns of the parties. The case was also selected as a typical case of the procuratorial organs of the whole country and the whole province.

The reporter learned that in recent years, the Jiujiang District Procuratorate has given full play to the "head goose effect", promoted the establishment of the "three one" working mechanism of "one case contracting leader, one work team, and one work plan", focused on source prevention, front-end resolution, and reduced potential contradictions; At the same time, we actively implemented the commitment of "replying to every complaint", with 100% procedural response rate within 7 days and 100% response rate of handling process and results within 3 months, and promoted the work of initial letter and initial visit to deepen the direction of substantive settlement of difficulties and contradictions of the masses.

The public hearing is divided to stop the dispute

Ms. Cheng, a consumer in Jiujiang District, applied for a 700 yuan stored value card in the cake shop, but found that the book value was only 600 yuan. For the 100 yuan "missing" in the card, the merchant said that it was impossible to check the consumption record or return the card. After Ms. Cheng complained, the relevant departments warned the merchants. Ms. Cheng was dissatisfied with the punishment and believed that the administrative act was subject to legal error. After administrative reconsideration and the first and second trial of administrative litigation, Ms. Cheng's appeal has not been supported, and a simple consumption dispute has evolved into a protracted administrative dispute.

Ms. Cheng applied to the procuratorial organ for supervision. The prosecutors carefully sorted out the situation, communicated with the administrative authorities for many times, interviewed the enterprises involved, patiently explained, organized hearings, and successfully resolved the disputes through on-site hearings.

The procuratorial hearing is an effective way for the masses to feel the fairness and justice of justice. The Procuratorate of Jiujiang District has hired 15 professionals, including deputies to the National People's Congress, members of the CPPCC, and lawyers, to form a team of hearers, pay attention to the role of lawyers on duty at the same time, actively explore "immediate visit and hearing", and take simple hearing as an important support for practicing the "Maple Bridge Experience", Since this year, 79 simple hearings have been held. The hospital actively carried out door-to-door hearing of "going to the masses and participating in them" to resolve conflicts at the grass-roots level, dispute resolution at the local level, and interpretation and reasoning at the front line in response to the elderly and infirm complainants, illness, mobility difficulties, and complaint cases caused by disputes between relatives, friends and neighbors.

Judicial aid should be saved as soon as possible

His father died in a car accident, and his mother ran away from home. His grandparents were old and had no one to support them. They worked part-time while preparing for the college entrance exam, but they couldn't collect the tuition fees after they entered the university... For Xiao Ming, the burden of life had weighed him down. Fortunately, the "support for prosecution+judicial assistance" of the procuratorial organ lit up a ray of light for his gloomy life.

In August this year, Xiao Ming came to Jiujiang District Procuratorate for help. After communicating with him, the prosecutor learned that after Xiao Ming's father died, his mother sued in the name of herself, Xiao Ming, Xiao Ming's grandpa and grandma, and the court ruled in favor of a car accident compensation, but Xiao Ming and grandpa and grandma never received the money. According to the law, Xiao Ming and his grandparents have the right to receive their own share of compensation. After fully understanding Xiao Ming's will, the procuratorial organ considered that although Xiao Ming is an adult, he is still a student, has no fixed source of income, and has weak litigation ability. When handling this case, it not only helped Xiao Ming defend his legitimate rights and interests by supporting the prosecution, but also started the judicial relief procedure according to their special family conditions, to achieve all-round protection.

It is understood that in recent years, the Procuratorate of Jiujiang District has actively explored the construction of a diversified rescue model of "procuratorial+". By strengthening internal and external contact and cooperation, it has established an information connection and sharing mechanism with the District Bureau of Veterans Affairs and other departments, and extended the scope of rescue services to implement the best possible rescue. Since this year, the Court has handled 35 cases of judicial assistance, granted 220000 yuan of national judicial assistance funds, and helped 36 parties solve practical problems.