Civil administrative procuratorate
Exhibition of excellent team of "doing practical things for the people" ⑥ | Complaint handling team of the People's Procuratorate of Yushan District, Ma'anshan City
Time: December 18th, 2023 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

Editor's Note Recently, the Supreme People's Procuratorate issued the Notice on Further Deepening the Practice of "Doing Practical Things for the People" at the Reception Window of the Prosecution Department for Complaints and Grievances, and commended the teams and individuals that emerged in the practice of "Doing Practical Things for the People", who were brave, diligent, recognized by the people, and outstanding. The procuratorial organ of Anhui Province sued the appeal procuratorial department, and 10 collective teams were rated as excellent, and 3 police officers were rated as excellent individuals

The Anhui Procuratorate has set up a special column to present the advanced deeds of outstanding teams and individuals in the practical activity of "doing practical things for the people" at the reception window of the complaint and appeal procuratorial department.

Maanshan Yushan District People's Procuratorate

Complaint handling team

Since the implementation of the practical activity of "doing practical things for the people", the Third Procuratorate of the People's Procuratorate in Yushan District, Ma'anshan City has complained that the appeal handling team has closely focused on the requirements of the practical activity of "doing practical things for the people", firmly established the concept of "I treat the people as relatives", established and reformed the "three services", served the people with civilized and standardized reception places, and won the people's trust with a strong work style, To please the people with high-quality procuratorial services, to do a good job of complaint and appeal procuratorial services for the masses, and to promote the high-quality development of complaint and appeal procuratorial work with high-quality and efficient public interview work.

Standardize services

Build a bridge of convenience and warmth

Reform "three services", give full play to the function of 12309 reception window, and constantly deepen the practice of "doing practical things for the people". Improve service environment To create a clean, sanitary, clean and bright service place for the people, complete with all the hardware equipment for receiving visits, and strive to provide considerate services for the visiting people. Change service mode We will develop a convention on civilized reception, carry out "one-stop" services, set up private enterprise service posts, implement the working mechanism of "list+closed-loop", implement the people-centered approach in details, and efficiently handle letters and visits. Improve service style We will strictly implement the "Six Ones" reception standard, follow the attitude of "putting your heart into your heart", the speed of "doing it right now", and the strength of "doing it right", carefully listen to the demands of the petition people, and be a good waiter of the petition people, so as to really solve the people's worries, worries, and worries. In handling the bribery case of Cheng's non-state staff, he applied for an appointment with private entrepreneurs, implemented the system of entrepreneurs' appointment with the Procurator General as soon as possible, quickly checked the reasonable demands of enterprises to run quickly, and by June 2023, helped enterprises to recover 2.926 billion yuan.

Tender justice

Fairness and justice can be felt and seen

Strictly implement the system of leaders contracting cases, improve the efficiency of solving the actual problems of the masses and solve the contradictions in the first step by giving play to the "head goose role" of hospital leaders. Since 2023, the leadership of the hospital has been responsible for 100% of the cases, achieving "all the cases should be covered", and 100% of the cases should be settled. When handling the petition of Mr. Wei, the Procurator General has jointly received two visits from lawyers, contracted the case, dispatched weekly office meetings, and the complaint department has communicated with the petitioners for many times. Every time the work was carried out, the procurator took the initiative to inform them, winning the recognition of the people who made the petition for the work of the people's procurators. Cooperate with the public security organ to actively recover the stolen goods and damage, and finally help the complainant recover the loss of 21000 yuan. The complainant gives a thumbs up to the work of the procuratorial organ.

We will comprehensively promote simple public hearings and give full play to the positive role of public hearings in resolving conflicts. For the complaint matters or complaint cases that are still unsatisfied after the reply according to law, we will organize a simple hearing, build a dialogue and exchange platform, and interpret the law and reason in a way that the masses can see and understand, so as to solve the "law knot" and "heart knot" of the complainant. In handling the case of supervision over the non filing of an XX case, the case handlers carefully examined the evidence of the whole case and believed that the decision of the public security organ not to file a case was correct. A simple public hearing was held against the incomprehension of An. At the meeting, the prosecutor in charge answered questions, interpreted the law and reasoned from facts, charges and legal provisions. After the meeting, the complainants expressed their belief in the fairness and justice of the law and signed a letter of commitment on the spot.

Devote oneself to the people

Diversified rescue

We will continue to deepen the function of judicial assistance, carry out special activities such as "judicial assistance helps consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation and boosts rural revitalization", "Anhui wind warming", actively integrate the "Maple Bridge experience" of the new era into the judicial assistance work, and establish a "four in one" judicial assistance mechanism of economic assistance, psychological counseling, social assistance, and follow-up visits. For the special group of minors, Ma'anshan Industrial School was united to set up the first judicial aid education base of "Umbrella · Qingqing" in the province, to gather the strength of rule of law education and skill education, to realize the transformation of judicial aid from "financial aid" to "social aid", and from "saving the moment" to "saving the long-term".

Since 2023, 8 cases of national judicial assistance have been handled and 44000 yuan of judicial assistance has been paid, with year-on-year growth of 100% and 491% respectively. When handling the case of Cao's sexual assault on minors, we made field visits to several sexually assaulted minors, actively introduced psychological counseling and assistance, and put psychological comfort and emotional counseling through the whole process of conflict resolution, so as to achieve precise assistance, and let the families of minors victims rekindle their confidence and hope in life.


Letters and visits, such as my visit

The complaint handling team members include veterans who are nearing retirement and have rich experience, as well as new recruits who have been on duty for less than a year. Although their age and experience are different, their attitude towards hard work and dedication to work is the same. They always eliminate the symptoms of complaints involving prosecutors in the bud, and focus on resolving conflicts and disputes at the grass-roots level, Efforts should be made to achieve substantive resolution of the contradiction between letters and visits during the first visit.

Actively make full use of the two procuratorial studios stationed in Xiangshan Town and Jiashan Township and other platforms to resolve conflicts and disputes, so that discovery, mediation, education and mediation are first. Cooperate with relevant functional departments, and do persuasion and interpretation work from multiple perspectives of reason and law, so as to achieve conflict resolution at the grass-roots level. The complaint reporting "outpatient" system led by the complaint reporting department and participated by the relevant departments was well implemented, actively integrated into the "big pattern" of the regional complaint reporting work, actively participated in the "7+X" "sit in" work with the Joint Office of the People's Republic of China, selected inspectors with strong sense of responsibility, high policy level and rich experience to participate in the "sit in" interview, and provided the best legal solution for resolving the complaint reporting contradiction. Since 2023, the team has received more than 200 visitors and handled 124 letters and calls from the masses, all of which were answered and resolved in a timely manner. The reply rate within 7 days and the three-month settlement rate are both 100%.