Civil administrative procuratorate
Hanshan, Ma'anshan: recover the loss of 200000 yuan in vegetable greenhouses
Time: December 4, 2023 Author: Liang Liqi News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

"Thanks for the help of comrade Xiao Gang from the procuratorate team, the unexpected loss of 200000 yuan in the vegetable greenhouse was recovered..." On November 25, when the police from the Hanshan County Procuratorate visited Luoji Village, the designated village for helping the procuratorate, the villagers said excitedly.
It has to start from 2018. Luoji Village, Xianzhuan Town, Hanshan County is a famous poverty-stricken village in the county. In order to get rid of poverty as soon as possible, the county government invested hundreds of thousands of yuan to build 38 vegetable planting greenhouses in the village. After the greenhouse was built, the villagers, due to lack of technology and funds, subcontracted to Lou, a foreign self-employed farmer, for planting. The contract period was three years. However, Lou's poor management not only caused losses in vegetable planting, but also severely damaged some greenhouses, and his annual contract fees were also in arrears, causing hundreds of thousands of yuan of losses to the village. This is like adding insult to injury for poor villages.
Gong Xiaogang, a member of the County Poverty Alleviation Task Force and a police officer of the County Procuratorate who just came to Luoji Village and stayed in the village, saw it and was worried. He reported the relevant situation to the county procuratorate, and with the support of the court, he decided to take up legal weapons and recover the losses by litigation. In order to identify the loss amount of vegetable greenhouses, Gong Xiaogang, through many efforts, brought some materials of the damaged greenhouses to the identification agency in Ma'anshan City for identification. With the appraisal report, we determined the amount of loss, and then communicated and negotiated with lawyers and court staff for many times, and finally drafted litigation documents for lease contract disputes. In the meantime, Gong Xiaogang and others also faced threats from the village's contractors and some villagers for many times with the village secretary, but in order to prevent the loss of collective assets, the team and the village secretary worked hard to overcome the difficulties, and finally brought a lawsuit to the court against Lou, the contractor who caused the loss of vegetable greenhouse assets. In September 2022, the court sentenced Lou to compensate the vegetable greenhouse for various losses of 200000 yuan.
In October 2023, after repeated urging by Gong Xiaogang and others, the county court will implement the compensation for losses and recover the loss of 200000 yuan of vegetable greenhouse assets.