Civil administrative procuratorate
Tongling Tongguan: Send a procuratorial temperature for municipal governance
Time: 2023-11-20 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

"Thank the prosecutor and the lawyer for coming to my home to listen to my demands and answer my questions." One day in August 2023, the complainant Granny Rui kindly said to the prosecutor who carried out the door-to-door hearing.

"The procuratorial organ accompanies me to deal with this matter, which is too troublesome for you!" After handling his own contradiction and dispute, the party Zhang Lao smiled.


The purpose of the hearing is to "move" the simple hearing into people's homes and let the contradictions be resolved at the grass-roots level. It is also a microcosm of Tongguan District Procuratorate of Tongling City in carrying out the rule of law preaching, doing a good job in explaining the law and reasoning, and delivering procuratorial temperature. In recent years, Tongguan District Procuratorate, guided by Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, has adhered to the spirit of learning, thinking and practicing the 20th CPC National Congress, and focused on strengthening the source prevention and front end resolution in serving the overall social situation. It not only "focuses on the end, cures the disease", but also "focuses on the front end, cures the disease", and strives to contribute a procuratorial force and send a procuratorial temperature to social and municipal governance.

Be a good "growth guide"

Send the inspection temperature to teachers and students on campus

The rule of law education for young people has its merits in the present age and benefits in the future. Tongguan District Procuratorate regards the "Vice President of the Rule of Law" as an important part of the law popularization work. Every year, eight young police officers with high legal literacy are selected from various departments to go to many schools. Combining the time points such as winter, summer and school opening season, the procuratorate has provided teachers, students and left behind children with wonderful rule of law lessons, so that the atmosphere of knowing, abiding by and using the law can be cultivated from an early age.

In addition, the hospital also increased cooperation between the procurators and the school, set up a "resident procurator studio" in different batches under its jurisdiction, opened a procuratorial family hotline, strengthened the protection of vulnerable children in difficult situations, and incorporated judicial protection into school protection substantively.

Create a "Procuratorate at Home"

Send the inspection temperature to the neighborhood

Open mediation of property disputes in the community, interpretation and reasoning in the circuit court as a public prosecutor, and legal door-to-door service for the elderly The Tongguan District Procuratorate actively built a "procuratorate at the gate of the home" for the people, moved procuratorial services to the community residents again and again, took the initiative to carry out community mediation and rule of law lectures four times, participated in four level linkage visits twice a month, and arranged and participated in the hospital visits once a week to implement the "Procurator General's Reception Day", so that the people really feel the procedural justice and procuratorial temperature.

During the law popularization activities with the theme of "Civil Code in Rural Areas" and "Food Safety Publicity Week", Tongguan District Procuratorate successively carried out publicity in rural and forestry villages and squares. In response to the needs of cadres and masses for the rule of law, especially the focus of villagers such as women and the elderly, the procuratorial police combined with typical cases handled by themselves, and used easy to understand language to publicize marriage and family to the masses at the scene Neighborhood relationship, maintenance and other relevant contents of the Civil Code.

Realizing the "entrepreneur appointment system"

Send the inspection temperature to the enterprise operation

In order to continue to deepen the implementation of the work requirements of "One Change and Two Achievements", the Tongguan District Procuratorate took the initiative to solve the problems of enterprises in line with the principle of "no interference, no response". The Procurator General visited 18 private enterprises and received and interviewed 10 entrepreneurs. The theme party day activity of joint construction of enterprises and procuratorates was held to carry out "one-to-one" relief against problems reflected by private enterprises, provide detailed legal guidance, let mobile legal services enter enterprises, actively help enterprises to improve their legal awareness, and enhance their ability to use legal weapons to prevent and resolve risks.

The hospital has also established a "green channel" for the acceptance of complaints and accusations involving private enterprises, set up private enterprise service posts in the procuratorial work area, and opened special consultation telephones and mailboxes for private enterprises to provide more powerful legal protection and high-quality legal services for the healthy development of the private economy.

Be a good guardian of the rule of law for a better life

Put the inspection temperature into the people's life

With regard to the telecom network fraud that the masses are concerned about, the Tongguan District Procuratorate has insisted on providing technical support and helping with withdrawal and transfer from upstream fraud to downstream fraud, cracked down on the crime of wire fraud across the region, and further promoted the "investigation+prosecution" procuratorial police cooperation model.

In order to safeguard the "tip of the tongue safety", on the one hand, we will crack down on crimes involving food and drug safety, and on the other hand, we will strengthen and improve the working mechanism for the connection of execution, which will build a bridge and link for the exchange of case information in the region, the transfer of supervision clues and other related work, so that supervision can run ahead of risks.

In order to do a good job in the field of ecological environment and resource protection, more than 700000 yuan of compensation for ecological resource damage was recovered for a case of endangering precious and endangered wildlife, and procuratorial suggestions were sent to relevant departments to promote the maintenance of biodiversity and ecological balance.

In view of the major fire hazards in a high-rise residential building under the jurisdiction, timely check with the emergency management bureau and the fire department on the spot, and prepare and issue the corresponding inspection proposal.

The law is based on righteousness and righteousness. Grass roots procuratorial organs are the front line to listen to the demands of the masses and handle cases. They are also the front line to carry out the publicity of the rule of law and the interpretation of the law. Tongguan District Procuratorates adhere to the way of performing their duties in an integrated way, comprehensively performing their duties, and actively performing their duties. "Small" cases are not small, and win the hearts of the people from "small", so that the people feel fairness and justice in every judicial case, Let the inspection temperature really warm in the heart.