Civil administrative procuratorate
Fengyang, Chuzhou: The "bridge of fear" has become safe after the issuance of the procuratorial recommendations
Time: November 8, 2023-1Author: Wu Changzhong News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

On November 1, the procurator of Fengyang County Procuratorate conducted an on-site inspection on the implementation of one of the procuratorial recommendations, and found that the bridge at Haohe, Linqiao Village, Damiao Town, had been newly equipped with metal barriers to ensure the safe passage of vehicles and pedestrians. Ma Mou, a local resident, said happily to the prosecutor: "With a safety barrier on the bridge, we can travel safely and conveniently. Now the 'fearful bridge' has become a 'safe and convenient road'."
We have to start talking about it a few months ago. On September 1, according to the public's reflection and the prosecutor's on-site visit, a Haohe bridge in Linqiao Village, Damiao Town was located on the main road in the countryside. Due to the lack of protective facilities on both sides of the bridge, vehicles and pedestrians could fall off when passing the bridge. The people who reflected the problem said: "Every time when passing a small bridge, they always feel helpless and insecure, especially in the bad weather of wind, rain and snow." After preliminary investigation, Fengyang County Procuratorate believed that the Highway Law Provisions: "The transportation departments of the local people's governments at or above the county level should conscientiously perform their duties, do a good job of highway protection according to law, and strive to adopt scientific management methods and advanced technical means to improve the level of highway management, gradually improve highway service facilities, and ensure the intactness, safety and smoothness of roads." At the same time, according to the Measures for the Administration of Rural Highway Construction According to the relevant provisions of the Regulations of Anhui Province on Rural Roads, the transportation bureau of the county is responsible for road safety protection and traffic guarantee for this bridge. In view of this, the hospital proposed to the county transportation bureau on September 18 that it should perform its duties according to law, guide the town government to install protective facilities on the road and bridge at Haohe, Linqiao Village, Damiao Town, and ensure the safety of people and vehicles on the road.
After receiving the inspection suggestions, Fengyang County Transportation Bureau attached great importance to it, immediately arranged professional personnel to conduct on-site survey, and organized the implementation of additional safety projects. On October 28, the bureau replied to the procuratorial organ about the rectification: the guardrails on both sides of the bridge, retaining walls and the water damaged shoulder of the bridge lead at Haohe in Linqiao Village, Damiao Town have been added, and the bridge deck involved in the case has been rectified in place on time.