Civil administrative procuratorate
Chizhou: Issue implementation opinions to standardize the whole process compliance of enterprise related criminal cases
Time: August 29, 2023 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

Recently, Chizhou Municipal People's Procuratorate, together with the Municipal Intermediate People's Court, the Municipal Public Security Bureau and the Municipal Judicial Bureau, took the lead in introducing the Implementation Opinions on Promoting the Compliance Reform of Enterprises Involved in the Case (for trial implementation) in the province, innovatively extending the enterprise compliance reform to the "investigation, prosecution, trial and execution" link of criminal cases, and implementing the whole process connection, Further promote the compliance reform of the enterprises involved in the case, and provide institutional support for the Chizhou municipal political and legal authorities to jointly do a good job in protecting enterprises and business, and optimize the legal business environment.

The Opinions clarifies the specific division of responsibilities and procedures of the four departments in the whole process compliance of enterprise related criminal cases, and requires the case handling authorities to inform the enterprises involved in the case of their rights and obligations to apply compliance in a timely manner, and start the enterprise compliance rectification procedures for criminal cases that meet the specified conditions. In terms of compulsory measures, it is required to prudently apply compulsory measures to the persons responsible for enterprise related cases, and carefully apply the inspection, deduction and freezing measures to the property and technology used by enterprises for production and operation, so as to ensure the stable operation of enterprises. In terms of compliance results, it further standardized the applicable conditions of non prosecution and lenient probation for compliant enterprises by procuratorates and courts, highlighted the connection with criminal execution and administrative punishment, and did a good job in traceability management and tracking assistance for compliant enterprises.

After the issuance of the Opinions, the procuratorial organ of Chizhou City will focus on the goal of "being as applicable as possible, truly compliant, and promoting business", strengthen cooperation with other judicial organs, improve the quality and efficiency of enterprise compliance work, make every effort to ensure that enterprises operate in accordance with the law, polish the brand of the city's "business in inspection and pool" procuratorial service business environment, and promote the high-quality economic and social development of Chizhou City.