Civil administrative procuratorate
Suzhou: issued implementation measures to strengthen procuratorial supervision of administrative violations
Time: August 28, 2023 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

Recently, the Implementation Measures of Suzhou City on Strengthening the Procuratorial Supervision over Administrative Illegal Acts (hereinafter referred to as the "Implementation Measures") was discussed at the plenary meeting of Suzhou Municipal Committee of Political Science and Law, and reported to the seventh meeting of the Sixth Suzhou Municipal Committee of the CPC to comprehensively deepen reform for deliberation and approval. The Implementation Measures were jointly issued by the Office of the Municipal Committee of the CPC to Administer the City in an All round Way by Law, the Municipal Committee of Political Science and Law, the Municipal Procuratorate and the Municipal Bureau of Justice, and it was the first normative document in the province dedicated to procuratorial supervision of administrative violations.

There are 28 articles in the Implementation Measures, which stipulate 8 supervision situations, 7 forms of investigation and evidence collection, and 5 supervision methods for administrative violations. At the same time, the People's Procuratorate is required to respect the characteristics and laws of administrative power, scrupulously abide by the boundaries of procuratorial power, and ensure that procuratorial supervision operates on the track of the rule of law.

The Implementation Measures put forward requirements for the establishment of six working mechanisms, including the joint release of typical cases, strengthening the governance of litigation sources, law enforcement and judicial linkage, the construction of an honest government, the convening of joint meetings, and the prevention and resolution of letters and visits, and made provisions on matters such as the establishment of procuratorial supervision and administrative law enforcement information platforms, and the centralized evaluation of administrative law enforcement files.

The Implementation Measures require the administrative organs to support and cooperate with the procuratorial supervision of administrative violations, so as to ensure the smooth implementation of procuratorial supervision. In addition, the implementation and rectification of relevant procuratorial opinions and suggestions by administrative organs, as well as the appearance in court of relevant cases and the execution of judgments, were included in the assessment scope of the construction of a rule of law government to further strengthen the rigidity of procuratorial supervision.