Civil administrative procuratorate
Huangshan Qimen: Prosecutors support prosecution to help dispel "salary worries"
Time: July 17, 2023 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

"The company will pay the arrears of labor remuneration before February 9, 2024." Recently, thanks to the civil support lawsuit of Qimen County Procuratorate, with the joint efforts of prosecutors and judges, Wang reached a mediation agreement with the wood company on the arrears of wages.
In September 2021, Wang Moumou, a rural resident living in a township in Qimen County, worked as a boiler worker in a wood company. The two parties agreed that the wage standard would be 150 yuan/day and the payment would be settled monthly. After the end of September and October, Wang received his salary in full. But the good times didn't last long. When his work ended in November, Wang failed to get his salary on schedule. Until the end of January 2022, he asked for an IOU from the company, which said that he would pay off the salary owed by the end of April 2022. However, more than a year has passed, and no company has performed the contract.
In May 2023, Wang came to Qimen County Procuratorate to seek legal help. After reviewing relevant materials according to law, the procurator of Qimen County Procuratorate decided to accept and handle the case according to law. While guiding Wang to file a civil lawsuit to the court, he served the Court with his Opinion on Supporting Prosecutions. On June 25, Wang reached a mediation agreement with the defendant under the mediation of Qimen County Court.

Prosecutor's statement   

Civil support prosecution is an activity of the People's Procuratorate to support the injured unit or individual to sue in the People's Court and participate in the relevant litigation against the civil case of damaging the rights and interests of vulnerable groups. If a party whose civil rights and interests have been infringed has not maintained his or her legal rights and interests after the relevant administrative organs, social organizations and other organizations have performed their duties according to law, and has the desire to sue and safeguard his or her rights, but because of his or her weak litigation ability, it is really difficult to bring a lawsuit or dare not bring a lawsuit for fear of various reasons, the people's procuratorate can support the prosecution.
Under any of the following circumstances, the party may apply to the procuratorial organ for support in prosecution. 1. Request for labor remuneration, social insurance benefits, etc; 2. Those who are unable to live independently or have difficulties in living due to old age, illness, lack of labor ability, etc., and ask for alimony or alimony; 3. The personal rights, property rights or other legitimate rights and interests of the disabled are infringed, and it is really difficult to bring a lawsuit; 4. It is really difficult to bring a lawsuit due to personal injury; 5. Other circumstances necessary to support the prosecution.