Civil administrative procuratorate
Shushan, Hefei: Eight years of salary arrears will be settled today
Time: June 22, 2023 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

"I sincerely thank you for helping me get my salary back..." On June 8, Ms. Yao came to Hefei Shushan District Procuratorate with a banner and a letter of thanks written in her own hand to express her gratitude to the prosecutor.
Ms. Yao has worked in a company in Anhui for many years, and the company is poor in management, which drags her 280000 yuan salary. In 2016, an Anhui company should pay Ms. Yao a salary of 280000 yuan according to the arbitration award of the Labor and Personnel Arbitration Commission.
In 2017, Ms. Yao applied to the court for compulsory execution. During the execution, the court ended the execution of the case because the respondent, a company in Anhui, had no property and was transferred to bankruptcy liquidation.
Ms. Yao's request for salary was fruitless, so she had no choice but to apply to the procuratorial organ for supervision. After the Shushan District Procuratorate accepted the case, reviewed the relevant case materials, and conducted research and judgment, it found that after the execution of a related case of a company in Anhui Province, the legal document to be executed was revoked by the court, and the court did not make a ruling to order the person who obtained the property to return the property, resulting in the interests of other creditors, including Ms. Yao, being frustrated, Therefore, it proposed to the enforcement court that the execution should be reversed.
After receiving the proposal, the executive court coordinated the opinions of Ms. Yao and other stakeholders. Under multi-party negotiation, Ms. Yao's salary of 8 years was finally paid.