Civil administrative procuratorate
[Optimize the business environment] Ma'anshan: strengthen the judicial protection of intellectual property rights and help optimize the business environment
Time: June 29, 2023 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

In recent years, Ma'anshan procuratorial organ, based on the procuratorial function, insists on strengthening the judicial protection of intellectual property rights and optimizing the business environment as the entry point of the procuratorial organ's effective integration into the innovation driven development strategy. Since 2022, a total of 27 intellectual property cases have been handled, involving more than 3.5 million yuan. A case of copyright infringement handled by the Procuratorate of Huashan District was rated as a typical case of intellectual property protection by the procuratorate of Anhui Province.

Strengthen organizational leadership and strengthen collaborative protection

The Municipal Market Supervision Administration jointly issued the Notice on Further Strengthening the Collaborative Protection of Intellectual Property Rights to strengthen the collaborative protection of intellectual property rights. The Municipal Procuratorate established the Intellectual Property Procuratorate Office, and the Huashan District People's Court, as the centralized handling office of intellectual property criminal cases, established the "four in one" procuratorial system for criminal, civil, administrative, and public interest litigation and synchronized notification Six working mechanisms such as guiding evidence collection, integrating the functions of case handling, supervision, protection and prevention, and exploring the full chain protection of intellectual property rights.

Take the case as the starting point and strengthen protection

We will crack down on crimes of infringing intellectual property rights in accordance with the law, review and prosecute crimes involving counterfeiting registered trademarks, selling counterfeit registered trademarks, and infringing copyright. In accordance with the law, we handled a number of cases of counterfeiting "Yurun", "Heli", "Hangcha" and other well-known brand trademarks, and counterfeiting "Kouzijiao" and "Gujing" series liquor brands, so as to effectively maintain the city's good market environment.

Actively perform duties in accordance with the law and promote sunshine justice

We carried out hearings on intellectual property cases in accordance with the law, held public hearings on three intellectual property cases, invited hearers and people's supervisors to participate, and improved the transparency of case handling and judicial credibility. We strengthened the "criminal civil integration" protection of intellectual property rights, adhered to the four principles of strict protection, coordinated protection, equal protection, and fair and reasonable protection, gave full play to the guiding role of the system of leniency in pleading guilty, facilitated five criminal settlements during the review and prosecution phase, recovered 460000 yuan of economic losses for the obligee, and earnestly safeguarded the legitimate rights and interests of the obligee.

Strengthen the publicity of the rule of law and create a legal environment

Carry out intellectual property publicity activities by combining online and offline methods. Since 2022, using the "two micro and one end" platform, 63 pieces (articles) of intellectual property law popularization information have been released at special nodes such as the "Consumer Rights Protection Day" and the "National Intellectual Property Day", five activities such as the "Intellectual Property Publicity Week" have been held, and more than 500 publicity materials have been distributed on the site to popularize the relevant laws and regulations on intellectual property protection and create a strong atmosphere for intellectual property protection.