Civil administrative procuratorate
Wuhu Jiujiang: "Support prosecution+judicial assistance" lights up the sunset
Time: May 17, 2023 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

Each of us, from cradle to toddler, can not do without his mother's company; From ignorance to maturity and steadiness, mother's care is indispensable. However, when the mother's face is full of wrinkles and her shoulders become bent, she also needs the company of her children. But sometimes, my mother's wish goes against her wish

One afternoon in March 2023, old woman Chen (not her real name) with gray hair, supported by her little son, walked into the procuratorial hall of the Procuratorate of Jiujiang District, Wuhu City.

"Old man, do you have any difficulties that we need to help you solve?" The visiting prosecutor offered hot tea and listened patiently to the old woman's pain.

It turned out that Old Lady Chen had five children and now lives with her youngest son. The other four children have not fulfilled their maintenance obligations since 2022, and seldom go home to visit the elderly. Old Madam Chen is 85 years old and suffering from many diseases. She needs to take medicine for a long time, and the medical expenses are high. Old Mrs. Chen is unable to work. She lives on the security of land lost farmers, old-age allowances and pension subsidies. The youngest son and his wife go out to work, and it is difficult to take care of the elderly wholeheartedly. Old Madam Chen is illiterate and does not understand legal knowledge. She hopes that the procuratorial organ can help her to ask her children to pay alimony through litigation and visit her home regularly.

"I don't want the children's money. When they came back to see me, I gave my grandchildren all the alimony. I'm so old, I just hope they can come back to see me more. They all said they were busy and haven't come back for a long time. No parents want to go to court with their children, but my body is getting worse year by year, and I have no choice but to let my children go home and have a look through litigation. "

After understanding the difficulties of Old Madam Chen, the Procuratorate of Jiujiang District made a decision to support the prosecution, help the elderly to write a complaint, and coordinate the court to reduce legal fees.

Because Mrs. Chen, who has been living in the countryside for a long time, is not suitable for living in the urban area, and needs to be sent to the hospital in time when the cerebrovascular disease relapses, for safety reasons, the youngest son will send the old man to the nursing home and pay the first month's expenses in advance. The five children did not reach an agreement on the payment of the expenses of the nursing home, and the subsequent payment of the expenses was unfunded. The prosecutor of the Jiujiang District Procuratorate immediately went to the nursing home where Mrs. Chen lived with the court judge to understand the difficulties of the elderly.

"I can eat hot meals on time in the nursing home, but I'm so disappointed. I've lived here for more than 20 days, and only my youngest son and second son-in-law have visited me." Old Madam Chen said with tears in her eyes.

"When the old lady suffered from cerebrovascular disease, she was not clear headed. She always said that someone was talking with her. Maybe she was old and her children were not around. She was lonely." The nursing worker of the nursing home added.

When the prosecutor asked about alimony payment and whether she would like to live in the nursing home, Old Madam Chen sighed. "It's not easy for the children. The eldest son and the eldest daughter are in poor health. The second son-in-law broke his leg in an accident. The youngest son's family has to work and the youngest daughter has grandchildren to take. I can't drag them down. Living in a nursing home is good, with enough food and warm clothes. But I can't afford the cost of the nursing home myself. I just ask them to share the cost and often come back to talk with me."

In order to solve the practical difficulty in paying the expenses of Mrs. Chen's nursing home, the Jiujiang District Procuratorate quickly launched the national judicial relief procedure, and requested the Wuhu Procuratorate to provide joint relief, and timely distribute the relief funds to relieve Mrs. Chen's urgent need.

In April 2023, the court made a judgment on the sharing of alimony for Mrs. Chen's five children. All five children were worried that the children who specifically assisted the elderly to withdraw money would misappropriate the elderly's money, and they were resistant to the payment of alimony. In order to promote the implementation of support issues and achieve cross regional and diversified assistance, the Procuratorate of Jiujiang District visited the Women's Federation, community, civil affairs bureau and medical insurance bureau of the Economic Development Zone where Chen Laotaiyuan lives, and negotiated with the above units to implement cross regional long-term assistance measures: the Women's Federation of a street in the Economic Development Zone included Chen Laotai as a key target of attention and implemented New Year's greetings; The procuratorate and the court of Jiujiang District helped Old Lady Chen set up a special account for alimony, and a neighborhood was responsible for supervision and management to eliminate the concerns of five children; As the eldest son of Old Madam Chen is living in difficulty, he is applying for a minimum living allowance. The Civil Affairs Bureau of the Economic and Technological Development Zone will review the materials as soon as possible and handle them quickly; The Medical Insurance Bureau of the Economic and Technological Development Zone helps to contact the hospital where Mrs. Chen and her eldest daughter often go to see a doctor, and coordinates the reduction or exemption of some medical expenses as appropriate.

In order to solve the problem of supporting more elderly people in the area under its jurisdiction, the Procuratorate of Jiujiang District, together with the Women's Federation of Jiujiang District, carried out special actions, visited towns and streets, learned about the problem of supporting the elderly, and relied on the procuratorial business application system, 12338 women's rights protection public welfare hotline records and other data sources to screen rescue lines and carry out diversified and comprehensive assistance for similar cases.

On May 12, 2023, the People's Procuratorate of Jiujiang District and the Women's Federation of a street in the Economic Development Zone went to the nursing home where Mrs. Chen lived to express condolences and learn about the living conditions of the elderly. Old Madam Chen stood up from the bed with a smile in her eyes.

"Thanks to the care of the party and the government, I paid the expenses for living in the nursing home in time, so I can live here with peace of mind. The children have come to see me more often, and bought me a lot of food, which I can't finish. The chicken cake over there was bought by my daughter, and the biscuit was bought by my son..."

The old man talked happily with the prosecutor, and the wrinkles on his eyes seemed to be smoothed by a smile.

The prosecutor was heartily gratified that Old Lady Chen's wish of being a constant companion for her children had come true.

Wu Jianxin's voice

The thread in the mother's hand, the coat of the wandering son's body. Maternal love is the hot meal on the table after toil. Maternal love is the light still on at the door when returning at night. It is the bounden social responsibility of the procuratorial organ to play the procuratorial function and let the elderly mothers have a sense of security. In the future, the procuratorial organ will continue to pay attention to the issue of elderly support, use the "procuratorial blue" to protect the "sunset red", and use the procuratorial active performance to promote the inheritance and promotion of the virtue of respecting and loving the elderly.