Civil administrative procuratorate
Procuratorial Daily | Jianqiang People's "Procuratorate at Home" Special Report Focusing on Feixi, Anhui
Time: May 12, 2023 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

On May 10, 2023, the 9th page of Procuratorial Daily was collected at the grass-roots level

Special Report on Strengthening the People's "Procuratorate at Home"

The Procurator General came to the door

Editor's Note The procuratorial work for the people should be done well with heart and emotion. This is not only the requirement of the new Supreme Procuratorate Group, but also the due pursuit and responsibility of the procuratorial organ. The procuratorial organs at all levels, especially the grassroots procuratorates, should focus on the urgent needs of the people, achieve fairness and justice by performing their duties and handling cases, so that fairness and justice can be realized better and faster, so that the people can truly feel fairness and justice, feel the temperature of justice, and feel the quality of judicial services at the "gate". Today, the Procuratorial Daily selected 24 procuratorial organs to focus on the goal of strengthening the people's "procuratorate at the gate of their home", and carefully handle the stories of procuratorial work for the people, for reference by all regions.

Original title

"I have made this friend"

Reporter Wu Yihuo Correspondent Zhou Yun

▲ Zhang Chaodong (middle), Procurator General of the People's Procuratorate of Feixi County, Anhui Province, visited Zhixiangzhai Company.

"Procurator General, you are really the family of our enterprise." Recently, Wei Xiushu, chairman of Anhui Zhixiangzhai Food Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Zhixiangzhai Company"), warmly received Zhang Chaodong, the Procurator General of Feixi County Procuratorate, who came as scheduled, in Huagang Town, Feixi County, Anhui Province. The meeting between Zhang Chaodong and Wei Xiushu was due to the implementation of the system of "private entrepreneurs meeting with the chief procurator" created by the Anhui Provincial Procuratorate in the grass-roots procuratorates.

On February 27, the Procuratorate of Feixi County held a meeting between the chief procurator and entrepreneurs, and invited representatives of the County Federation of Industry and Commerce and heads of four private enterprises to have a discussion and exchange. At the meeting, Zhang Chaodong first met Wei Xiushu. Zhang Chaodong introduced the relevant measures taken by the procuratorial organs to ensure the development of private economy and their effectiveness, and specifically talked about the system of meeting the chief procurator. "I didn't know enough about the procuratorate before. I didn't expect you to care so much about the development of the enterprise, which makes me feel warm. The procuratorate is my friend." Wei Xiushu sighed.

One month later, on March 28, Zhixiangzhai Company proposed to meet with the Procurator General Zhang Chaodong through the hotline 96309 of Anhui Procuratorate Service for Private Enterprises. The Feixi County Procuratorate immediately responded, and the two sides finalized the time and place for the meeting. In order to better help enterprises solve their problems, Zhang Chaodong also invited Wei Gang, the party secretary of Huagang Town, to go with them.

Zhixiangzhai is an enterprise specializing in pickles. Over the past 18 years, Zhixiangzhai has grown step by step into a well-known brand in the field of pickles in Anhui Province and a key leading enterprise in agricultural industrialization in Anhui Province. It has set up more than 800 direct sales counters throughout the country, and has conducted direct supply cooperation with nearly 3000 retail fresh food stores nationwide. Its annual output value has exceeded 100 million yuan, attracting more than 600 jobs, and driving hundreds of farmers to increase their income.

In Zhixiangzhai Company, Zhang Chaodong visited the exhibition hall, workshop and warehouse, asked while watching, and learned about the production, operation and development of the enterprise in detail, especially the product quality and intellectual property protection. "In the face of increasing market demand, how can we better protect our brand and continue to grow bigger and stronger?" Facing the Procurator General, Wei Xiushu expressed his confusion.

Zhang Chaodong introduced the relevant information about the procuratorial organ's ability to perform its duties in accordance with the law in terms of intellectual property protection. In combination with a series of preferential measures taken by the local government, he provided Wei Xiushu with a comprehensive policy interpretation from the establishment of enterprise brand, intellectual property protection, and the building of a legal business environment, to the factor guarantee, policy support, industrial integration, and innovation drive for the expansion of production and operation of enterprises.

"These days, I have been worried about the future of the enterprise. Today, Attorney General Zhang and Secretary Wei made some comments in person, which really made me feel enlightened." Wei Xiushu said that he would submit plans to relevant departments as soon as possible to prepare for the expansion of reproduction of the enterprise.

Before leaving, Zhang Chaodong presented Wei Xiushu with the "Prosecutors Tell You", a service guarantee private economic development brochure compiled and printed by the Feixi County Procuratorate, and added WeChat to each other. A few days later, Zhang Chaodong arranged for prosecutors to make a telephone return visit to Zhixiangzhai Company to find out what support the enterprise still needs. Zhang Chaodong also presided over a special meeting for the development of private enterprises such as Zhixiangzhai Company, requiring all departments to send the best service and protection to enterprises.