Civil administrative procuratorate
Anqing Grand View: "government inspection linkage" helps 137 migrant workers recover their wages
Time: April 14, 2023 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

"Thanks to the Daguan District Procuratorate for making our wages secure." Recently, Liu and other migrant workers happily expressed their gratitude to the prosecutor after they received the last salary arrears.

In the second half of 2021, 137 migrant workers, including Liu, reported that they were in arrears with 1.88 million yuan of wages after participating in the construction of a construction project in Anqing. After repeated demands, project leaders delayed for various reasons. In desperation, Liu and others complained to the labor security supervision team of the District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau. According to the district's "government procuratorate linkage" working mechanism, the Daguan District Procuratorate took the initiative to assume the main responsibility for resolving disputes after its intervention. After reviewing the relevant evidence materials, the undertaking procurator confirmed that the fact that Liu and others were in arrears with their wages of 1.88 million yuan was clear.

In order to help migrant workers pay their salaries in time, the procuratorial organ has convened project leaders, Liu, and others to have a discussion for many times in conjunction with housing construction, human resources and social security, public security and other departments. By means of comprehensive investigation and verification, in-depth interpretation and reasoning, and seeking external support, the dispute was settled in accordance with the law.

On March 7, 2022, the relevant person in charge of the project promised to pay 250000 yuan the next day, and set out the plan for the payment of the remaining migrant workers' wages of 1.63 million yuan. Many prosecutors after the event I went to the Labor and Social Security Supervision Brigade of Daguan District to learn about the progress of the case, and through online and offline means Keep in touch with the project leader to urge him to fulfill the schedule on time. During the period, in order to ensure the implementation of this work, the Court, together with the District Court and the District Judicial Bureau, established the Provisions on the Establishment of a Civil Support and Prosecution Contact Mechanism to prepare to help migrant workers effectively safeguard their legitimate rights and interests through legal means.

Until the beginning of March 2023, the last 100000 yuan of salary arrears in the 1.63 million yuan salary payment schedule will be paid in place, so far the issue of salary arrears has been properly resolved.

In the process of supervision, the prosecutor also found that illegal subcontracting and inadequate implementation of real name system attendance in the project were the main reasons for the arrears of migrant workers' wages. The procuratorial organ continued to follow up the supervision, made and issued procuratorial recommendations, and urged the competent department to strengthen supervision over the violations of laws and regulations of the enterprises involved.