Civil administrative procuratorate
Bengbu Bengshan: Actively implement the system of entrepreneurs meeting with the Procurator General
Time: March 20, 2023 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

In the afternoon of March 14, an entrepreneur from a new material technology company in Bengbu and a clothing company in Bengbu applied for an appointment with the Procurator General through the 12309 procuratorial service hotline. The Procuratorate in Bengshan District actively carried out the interview work and further implemented the system of entrepreneurs' appointment with the Procurator General. On the morning of March 15, the main leaders of the Institute received two private entrepreneurs, understood their demands, answered legal advisory questions, and actively solicited opinions and suggestions from entrepreneurs.

In response to the two entrepreneurs' demand that the procuratorial organ should carry out more exchanges and discussions with private enterprises and provide more targeted legal services for private enterprises, the main leaders of the institute said that they would take the way of "going out and inviting in" in the future, not only going deep into the chambers of commerce and enterprises to carry out legal publicity, but also actively inviting private entrepreneurs to carry out seminars and lectures, Popularize the relevant knowledge of enterprise production and operation to the procuratorial police, introduce the entrepreneurial experience of entrepreneurs, and enrich the practice of procuratorial organs serving private enterprises.