Civil administrative procuratorate
Wuhu Inaction: Practising the "Maple Bridge Experience" and Playing the "Combination Fist" to Resolve Disputes
Time: January 28, 2023 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

"I am very satisfied with the interview"
"Why is there so much evidence that the suspect is still suspected of not being prosecuted? Who will bear the consequences of my injury?" Huang Moumou, 64, came to the complaint reception room of Wuwei Municipal Procuratorate and angrily "questioned" the prosecutor.  
In November 2019, Huang had a dispute with his neighbors due to trivial matters and caused physical conflicts. A few months later, Huang felt pain in the waist and went to the hospital. He was diagnosed as a fracture, and the injury was identified as Grade II minor injury. However, there is lack of sufficient evidence whether Huang's waist injury is caused by conflict. In May 2021, Wuwei Municipal People's Procuratorate made a decision not to prosecute, and Huang refused to accept it. He made many letters and visits to reflect his demands. "The old man was very unstable when he first came here, and he vented his grievances and grievances to us." Ding Shuting, deputy director of the comprehensive business department of Wuwei Municipal Procuratorate, said that Huang was deaf to the prosecutor's interpretation and reasoning, and strongly resisted.  
In January 2021, the Wuwei Municipal Procuratorate held a meeting to promote the contracting of cases by the leaders of the People's Procuratorate. At the meeting, Tao Xiaohan, the Procurator General of the People's Procuratorate, undertook the work of resolving the case. Huang did not agree with the handling of the case, which may be due to inadequate legal interpretation and reasoning, and inadequate handling of the aftermath, resulting in the complainant Huang's incomprehension and repeated petitions. In order to understand the specific case, Tao Xiaohan went to Huang's town to learn about the contradiction between the parties to the case. Later, Tao Xiaohan organized a case review, focusing on verifying the conclusion of Huang's injury identification, and finding out the cause of Huang's injury. Considering that Huang is unwell, and this case is caused by neighborhood conflicts, it has a great impact on local villagers.  
On February 17, 2022, Wuwei Municipal Procuratorate held a door-to-door hearing in the conference room of the village headquarters, inviting lawyers, village committee directors and investigators to the scene. After evaluation, the hearer believed that the evidence on record could not form a chain of evidence, and it was correct not to prosecute the original case if there was any doubt. Although there were arguments and refutations in the hearing, more attention was paid to listening to and analyzing arguments. Huang began to think and see problems from the procuratorial organ.  
After the hearing, Wuwei Municipal Procuratorate, together with many departments, went to the door to explain the law and reason, tirelessly channeled Huang's emotions, and persuaded those who were not prosecuted to express their apologies. On March 31 of the same year, Mr. Huang signed the letter of commitment for ending the lawsuit and striking the visit. At the time of final signature, Huang urged to add a line: "I am very satisfied with the interview work of Wuwei Municipal Procuratorate."
"I will send you wedding candies when I get married"
"The mother of the child has not heard from her for more than 10 years, and because the problem of pseudonymous registration has never been able to dissolve the marriage, I now have no way out." In May 2022, Xing came to the Wuwei City Procuratorate to tell her plight.  
In August 2005, Xing and Zhao registered their marriage at the original Wuwei County Civil Affairs Bureau. Since Zhao had not reached the age of marriage, they used his sister's identity information to register and had two daughters after marriage. Around 2012, Zhao ran away from home and has not returned yet. In May 2021, Xing filed a divorce lawsuit with a court in the domicile of Zhao, and the court ruled to dismiss the lawsuit. In August of the same year, Xing applied to the Civil Affairs Bureau of Wuwei City to revoke the marriage. According to relevant laws and regulations, the marriage registration between Xing and Zhao did not exist coercion, so it was not accepted. In December of the same year, Xing filed an administrative lawsuit with the Wuwei City Court, which ruled to dismiss the lawsuit on the grounds that the lawsuit was overdue. After repeatedly reporting the situation to the Civil Affairs Bureau, the court and other departments without success, Xing came to the Wuwei Municipal Procuratorate with the last glimmer of hope, hoping that the procuratorial organ could lift the "marriage shackles" on him.  
"After receiving the application, our court immediately reviewed the case and believed that the court's rejection of the lawsuit did not violate the legal provisions, but Xing's application for cancellation of marriage registration was reasonable, so we decided to carry out substantive resolution of administrative disputes in this case." Zhu Junli, director of the fourth procuratorial department of Wuwei Municipal Procuratorate, said that in order to find out whether the marriage in this case should be canceled, Through visiting the local village committee and neighbors, we confirmed that Zhao and Xing had indeed married and lived together, and they had a good relationship after marriage. At the same time, when retrieving the information of Zhao who registered marriage with Xing, we found that his household registration information has not been settled since he moved out in 2012.  
Through the mobile phone number provided by Xing's daughter, the prosecutor went to Wuwei Public Security Bureau to obtain relevant information, and screened 10 women of the same age and name for villagers to identify. At the same time, contact the procuratorate of the residence registration place of Mr. Zhao to assist in obtaining the divorce file of Mr. Xing, the original registration information of the household registration of Zhang sisters and family relations, and find out that Mr. Zhao married Mr. Xing. In May 2022, Wuwei Municipal Procuratorate held a hearing on resolving administrative disputes on the case, inviting deputies to the National People's Congress, members of the CPPCC, grass-roots organizations, etc. to serve as hearers. Focusing on the basic situation of the case, the facts and evidence examined and identified, the participants expressed their opinions on whether the civil affairs department should revoke the marriage. After closed door review, they finally unanimously agreed to revoke the marriage registration.  
On July 6, 2022, Wuwei Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau made a "decision on revoking the Marriage Certificate", and Xing's appeal was finally properly handled, restoring his "freedom" again. "When I get married in the future, I will definitely come to the procuratorate to send you wedding candies." Xing said thanks.  
13 thank-you letters all have touching stories
"Here, I would like to thank Prosecutor Huang and Prosecutor Liu, who have solved a lot of problems for my family." In the reception hall of the Wuwei Municipal Procuratorate, the author saw 13 thank-you letters that were slightly clumsy but very simple. Behind every thank-you letter, there is a moving story.  
Xu Moumou, born in 1967, is a villager in Liudu Town, Wuwei City. He has a secondary physical disability. In August 2020, the defendant Xu and the victim Xu had a quarrel and physical conflict due to trivial matters, resulting in Xu's left humerus fracture. After identification, Xu's injury degree is Grade II minor injury. On December 6, 2021, the Wuwei City Court sentenced Xu to six months' imprisonment and a one-year suspension of sentence for intentional injury. The victim, Xu, was a poor household with a registered card in 2014, and got rid of poverty in 2016; The injury hospitalization costs a lot of money and does not receive full compensation. Faced with the situation of returning to poverty due to criminal cases, Wuwei Municipal Procuratorate took the initiative to apply for national judicial assistance for Xu after fully considering the situation of the disabled person to be rescued and secondary minor injury caused by criminal cases. Considering the inconvenience of Xu's movement, the prosecutor went to the countryside many times to check the rescue clues, collect materials, listen to opinions, and assist in handling the payment procedures.  
Coincidentally, the receipt of a return visit letter for judicial assistance sent from the General Business Department of Wuwei Procuratorate was also quietly placed on the desk of the police. At the age of 3, Xiao Nie, who was less than 10 years old, suffered from the death of his father due to a traffic accident and the departure of his mother. He had to live with his elderly and sickly grandfather and grandmother. However, due to the case, there was no labor force in his family. The two old people raised their children alone, lacking income sources. Although some compensation was obtained in case handling, most of it was used for case and funeral handling, and the rest was taken away by his mother. In 2018, the local government set up a filing card to list Xiao Nie as a low-income family for assistance. After learning about the situation, Wuwei Municipal Procuratorate took the initiative to apply for the national judicial relief fund for Xiao Nie, his grandfather and grandmother.  
In order to effectively protect the legal rights and interests of Nie, and ensure that the relief fund is used for a specific purpose, Wuwei Municipal Procuratorate has visited, reported, verified and communicated many times, and distributed the relief fund by stages through the "tripartite supervision" of the local village committee, bank and close relatives, so as to ensure that the children can successfully complete their studies. In order to protect the healthy growth of Nie, the police in charge of the Shenshen police have made a "mental engagement" by visiting, interacting and unblocking letters.  
"Now I'm still XiaoNie's contact person for" one to one help for the soul ", and I often communicate with his head teacher about his learning situation." Ding Shuting, deputy director of the comprehensive business department of Wuwei Municipal Procuratorate, said that on the Children's Day, we invited XiaoNie to participate in the art gallery activity of minors' rule of law themed "Protect you in the name of law". Xiao Nie also asked his aunt to send his paintings to me via WeChat. When I saw the paintings, I felt his infinite yearning and beautiful longing for life.