Civil administrative procuratorate
Chizhou Guichi: Before the Spring Festival, this 60 year old man received a judicial relief fund
Time: January 22, 2023 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small
"The money has already arrived. I really appreciate your procuratorate for helping me to file a lawsuit for my salary, and also for applying for judicial assistance. It has finally been a good year..." At the Procuratorate of Guichi District, Chizhou City, the procurator received a phone call from the judicial assistance applicant Zhang Moumou. At the other end of the phone, Zhang Moumou's voice expressed inexpressible joy.
At the age of 64, Zhang is still working with his aged body at the age when he should be happy. In 2022, Zhang was employed to wash the car in the auto service chain store operated by Hong. Both parties agreed that Zhang's monthly salary was 2300 yuan, and later Hong owed a total of 3200 yuan to Zhang. In May 2022, Hong issued an IOU promising to settle his salary before June 15, 2022, but he did not fulfill his promise later.
The Third Procuratorate Department of Guichi District Procuratorate gave full play to the advantages of "government procuratorate linkage", actively visited the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau of Guichi District, learned about the situation of Zhang, and got in touch with Zhang as soon as possible. On July 18, 2022, Zhang applied to Guichi District Procuratorate for supporting prosecution.
After accepting the case, the prosecutor in charge immediately started investigation and verification. After finding out the facts, the Guichi District Procuratorate supported Zhang to file a civil lawsuit to the Guichi District Court on July 21, 2022. In the lawsuit, Zhang and Hong reached an agreement that Hong would pay off his arrears of 3200 yuan of labor wages in a lump sum before September 1, 2022, and the court of Guichi District would issue a civil mediation statement according to the agreement reached by both parties.
I thought the matter was settled, but Hong did not perform the contents of the civil mediation agreement, and his salary was not paid. Zhang called the case prosecutor to inform him of the situation, and his tone was full of frustration. The undertaking prosecutor then instructed Zhang to apply to the Guichi District Court for compulsory execution, and later repeatedly called Zhang to inquire about the execution, Zhang said, "Hong has no property to enforce. The Guichi District Court cannot enforce it at present. I haven't got my salary yet, but I still appreciate the concern of the procuratorial organ. You don't know how many calls you have made for me. Thank you very much."
3200 yuan may be nothing for some people, but for Zhang, both he and his wife suffer from chronic diseases. This 3200 yuan is the money for the old couple to buy medicine, and also the basic living guarantee for the old couple.
The Third Procuratorate of Guichi District Procuratorate transferred the judicial aid clues to the complaint and appeal department of the court according to the internal transfer mechanism. After receiving the clues, the prosecutor of the complaint and appeal department took the initiative to contact Zhang to inform him of the relevant policies of judicial aid. On January 10, 2023, after receiving the judicial assistance application submitted by Zhang, the complaint department of Guichi District Procuratorate will deeply understand the actual situation of Zhang and the implementation of the original case by visiting the neighborhood committee of Zhang's community and obtaining relevant materials of the original case.
After investigation, Zhang was in arrears with his salary and his family was facing difficulties, so he launched a cooperation with the Anhui Provincial Procuratorate "Procuratorial Blue" helped to eradicate the problem of arrears of migrant workers' wages If the work requirements are consistent with the national judicial relief conditions, the rescue should be given, the quick inspection and quick handling procedures should be quickly started, the review should be completed within 7 working days, and finally the national judicial relief fund of 3200 yuan should be paid to Zhang before the Spring Festival.