Civil administrative procuratorate
Huangshan Tunxi: 42000 yuan has been paid successfully, and the "top priority" of the prosecutor has finally been settled!
Time: September 9, 2022 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

   "Thank you for your help from the procuratorial organ. Yesterday, the hotpot shop operator has transferred more than 42000 yuan of the salary owed to our six employees' bank accounts. It's hard for migrant workers to find jobs. These money is very important for us to support our family, and once again expressed our sincere gratitude." Recently, a prosecutor from the Procuratorate of Tunxi District, Huangshan City saw this simple text sent by Jiang on WeChat, Suddenly I felt that I had been worried about something for a long time, and I could finally put it down.  

   Six people, including Jiang, are employees of a hotpot restaurant. In May 2022, Xie, the operator, defaulted on the salary of 42000 yuan and applied to the labor arbitration department for labor arbitration. After mediation by the labor arbitration department of Tunxi District, the two parties reached a settlement agreement that Xie would pay off his salary at the end of July 2022. However, Xie did not take the initiative to perform the agreement within the specified time limit and delayed for an excuse, resulting in Jiang and other six people having to apply to the court for enforcement in accordance with the law. But I was worried that Xie would be difficult to implement after he left Tunxi.  

   When the civil procuratorial department of Tunxi District Procuratorate learned of this situation in the course of performing its duties according to law, it quickly started the civil execution supervision procedure, promptly explained the law and reason to Xie, and guided him to find ways to fulfill his obligations as soon as possible. One week after the civil enforcement supervision and procuratorial advice was issued, six people including Jiang received the salary arrears paid by Xie. So far, the civil enforcement supervision case that helped "get paid" has finally come to a successful end under the sincere mediation of the prosecutors of Tunxi District.  

   There is no trivial matter in the interests of the masses. One branch, one leaf, is always relevant. Since the beginning of this year, Tunxi District Procuratorate has focused on migrant workers' wage demands, become a good "wage seeker" for migrant workers, and actively transformed the working mechanism into the procuratorial practice of justice for the people, Provide legal support for migrant workers' rights protection; On the other hand, take the initiative to establish a special working mechanism with the judicial authorities for migrant workers' wage claims, regularly learn about migrant workers' wage claims and their application to the court for enforcement, both "supervision" and "resolution", and promote the realization of migrant workers' substantive rights and interests as soon as possible. Up to now, 64 migrant workers have been successfully paid nearly 800000 yuan.