Civil administrative procuratorate
Media Focus | Prosecutors can actively perform their duties and recover more than 200000 yuan of migrant workers' wages
Time: June 22, 2022 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

   On the morning of June 14, the People's Procuratorate of Lujiang County, Anhui Province, made a decision not to prosecute the suspect for the crime of refusing to pay labor remuneration, and successfully recovered 213900 yuan of migrant workers' wages. On June 18, the First Time program of Anhui TV's economic life channel publicized this.  

   The person not prosecuted declared XX as the legal representative of a construction company. In May 2018, the company won the bid for the construction project of shantytown resettlement housing and ancillary works in Wanshan Town, Lujiang County, and hired migrant workers to engage in relevant types of work. At the end of 2019, the construction of the project was suspended due to loss and other reasons, and the company had not paid off the wages of 17 migrant workers totaling 213900 yuan. On October 11, 2021, Lujiang County Human Resources and Social Security Bureau issued the Instruction for Rectification within the Time Limit of Labor Security Supervision according to law, announcing that after receiving it, XX failed to reach the designated place at the designated time to cooperate in solving the problem of migrant workers' wages in arrears. On November 30, 2021, the public security organ transferred the case to the People's Procuratorate of Lujiang County for prosecution for declaring that someone is suspected of refusing to pay labor remuneration.  

   In the stage of review and arrest, the prosecutor patiently persuaded the defendant and his relatives through legal interpretation and reasoning, and later announced that XX entrusted his relatives to pay all the migrant workers' wages in arrears. At present, the Company's arrears of 213900 yuan of migrant workers' wages have been successfully recovered and delivered to 17 migrant workers.  

   It is understood that since 2019, the People's Procuratorate of Lujiang County has accepted 46 cases of review and prosecution of 46 people, concluded 33 cases of 33 people, including 21 cases of prosecution of 21 people, and recovered about 14.72 million yuan of unpaid wages for migrant workers. In view of the protection of the legitimate rights and interests of workers and the elimination of social impact, the judicial authorities have made full use of the criminal policy of tempering justice with mercy to give the criminal suspects relatively lenient punishment results such as non prosecution or probation, thus creating a good business environment and ensuring the sustainable development of the economy and society.  

   Lujiang County Procuratorate, together with the County Public Security Bureau and the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, will issue and sign the Implementation Opinions on Strengthening Cooperation to Rectify the Problem of Wage Arrears of Migrant Workers, strengthen the cooperation among the three parties, form an overall joint force to rectify and combat the problem of wage arrears of migrant workers, and maintain social harmony and stability.