Civil administrative procuratorate
Anhui Frontier: 38 migrant workers' wage problem solved
Time: June 17, 2022 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

   Recently, Jiao and other 38 migrant workers finally waited for the long-awaited final judgment. The people's court ruled that Zhang, the head contractor, should pay a total of 173595 yuan to 38 migrant workers within 10 days from the effective date of the judgment, and a construction company should bear joint and several liability for settlement. These migrant workers immediately expressed their thanks to the procuratorial organ after receiving the verdict.  

   In April 2021, 38 migrant workers including Jiao applied to Jieshou Municipal Procuratorate for civil support prosecution because of the wage arrears of the foreman. Due to the large number of people involved in the case and the complexity of the case, the Fuyang Procuratorate, in combination with the case, timely assigned business backbones to guide the work of evidence collection and legal relationship analysis on the spot. It was found that in 2017, a construction company contracted to build a real estate project in Jieshou City. Later, the construction company subcontracted the plastering and other civil works of 1 and 16 buildings to Mr. Chen, and Mr. Chen subcontracted part of the project to Mr. Zhang. From February to September 2018, 38 migrant workers including Jiao worked in the bricklayer team of Zhang. In December 2018, Mr. Zhang issued a salary IOU to 38 migrant workers after settlement, with a total of 173595 yuan in arrears. But after issuing the IOU, Mr. Zhang did not pay the salary owed as agreed, and 38 migrant workers embarked on a difficult way to ask for salary.  

   After further investigation and evidence collection, Jieshou Municipal Procuratorate took the initiative to coordinate the legal aid for 38 migrant workers. At the same time, on the ground that Zhang, a construction company and other defendants should bear joint and several liability for compensation, it issued a supporting prosecution opinion to the court and appeared in court to express supporting prosecution opinion. The court of first instance adopted the opinion of supporting the prosecution, but some defendants appealed against it. In the second instance, in order to fully protect the legitimate rights and interests of migrant workers in the whole process, the Fuyang Procuratorate assigned business backbones of the two courts to analyze the defendant's reasons for appeal and the focus of dispute in the case in advance, and to attend the court to express support for the prosecution. In May 2022, the Fuyang Intermediate People's Court made a final judgment, adopted the opinion of supporting the prosecution and upheld the original judgment.  

   The procuratorial organ learned in handling the case that Jiao, a registered poverty-stricken household who had been lifted out of poverty, was in trouble. The Jieshou Municipal Procuratorate promptly provided him with judicial assistance and granted him 5000 yuan as a relief fund, which solved his urgent need.