Civil administrative procuratorate
Wuhuwan 沚沚沚沚沚沚沚沚沚沚沚沚沚沚沚沚沚沚沚沚沚沚沚
Time: May 23, 2022 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

   In order to promote the mechanism of "government procuratorate linkage", further consolidate the joint efforts of "government procuratorate" and strengthen the protection of social vulnerable groups, recently, Wuhu Wanpeng District Procuratorate and District Judicial Bureau countersigned Opinions on Establishing a Cooperation Mechanism to Support Prosecution and Legal Aid The Opinions further strengthened the effective connection between legal aid and civil procuratorial work, and provided important support for promoting the normalization and standardization of civil support prosecution and improving the quality and efficiency of work.    

   The Opinion comprehensively broadens the field of supporting prosecution cases. Detailed provisions are made on how to carry out cooperation in support of prosecution and legal aid. The Opinions also specified that the two sides should hold regular joint meetings to jointly study, discuss, report and promote the support for prosecution and legal aid work, and designate a special person to act as a liaison person, responsible for daily work contact and regular communication of cooperation, so as to achieve information exchange at the first time.  

   In recent years, the Wandang District Procuratorate and the District Judicial Bureau have strengthened collaboration and cooperation in case information notification, work exchange, law popularization, case handling and other aspects, and made positive exploration in integrating civil procuratorial work and legal aid agencies to jointly safeguard the protection of the rights and interests of special groups.  

   1. Joint publicity  

   Cooperated with the District Justice Bureau for many times to carry out the publicity campaign of "helping migrant workers to get paid", and pointed out ways to protect their rights for migrant workers by issuing brochures, providing on-site legal advice and other means.    

   2. Participate in the interview activity of the Peasant University of Technology

   Actively participate in the large interview activity organized by the District Justice Bureau and the District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau to eradicate the arrears of migrant workers' wages, provide legal advice in a timely manner, assist in collecting evidence, and actively investigate the obtained clues of the cases of arrears of migrant workers' wages.    

   3. Special lecture on supporting prosecution

   Invited by the District Judicial Bureau, we held special lectures on supporting prosecution, systematically introduced procuratorial organs' supporting prosecution related work for public lawyers of administrative organs, judicial offices of towns, legal service institutes and representatives of several law firms in the district, and further expanded the influence of civil procuratorial functions.  

   Since 2021, Wangui District Procuratorate has been active in performing its duties according to law, giving play to the role of supporting prosecution and justice, guiding social morality, and educating people, and handling civil support prosecution cases such as rural migrant workers' wage claims, rural elderly's claim for alimony, and minors' claim for alimony 39 pieces , and the supporting opinions for prosecution were supported by the court. Assist 31 migrant workers Recovery of labor remuneration 869000 yuan , Help 8 elderly and minors We have successfully recovered alimony and support for the rights of special groups.  

   The countersignature of the Opinions is the transformation of the judicial practice results of the procuratorial department's cooperation in safeguarding the rights and interests of special groups in recent years, is also the institutional support for promoting the quality construction year, improving the quality and efficiency of civil procuratorial work, and optimizing civil support prosecution, is also the implementation of the government procuratorial linkage mechanism, pays great attention to the project of benefiting people's livelihood, and implements the key cooperation projects of "government procuratorial linkage", The practical need to strengthen the protection of social vulnerable groups.