Civil administrative procuratorate
Frontier of Fuyang: The salary arrears have been solved by procuratorial supervision for more than two years
Time: 2022-02-28 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

Recently, Mr. Zhang and his wife came to the Jieshou Municipal Procuratorate, and when they saw the procurator, they were happy to say: 68000 yuan salary has finally been received. Thank you for your help! " The prosecutor was also pleased to see their heartfelt smiles.  
We should start with a case of enforcement supervision.  
In November 2019, Gao, the person subject to enforcement, refused to perform the effective mediation statement and owed more than 400000 yuan to 21 migrant workers including Zhang, who applied to the court for compulsory enforcement. The court took enforcement measures to freeze some of Gao's money, but there was still more than 300000 yuan left to be executed. Zhang and others applied to Jieshou Municipal Procuratorate for implementation supervision.  
After review, Jieshou Municipal Procuratorate issued a procuratorial proposal, continued to follow up and supervise, actively performed the right of investigation and verification, found important property clues of Gao, and provided them to the enforcement personnel in a timely manner. In January of this year, 21 migrant workers finally received more than 348000 yuan of wages in arrears for more than two years and sent the banner to express their gratitude.