Civil administrative procuratorate
Bengbu and Bengshan: Judicial Assistance to Solve People's Worries
Time: 2022-02-24 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

   "Thank the prosecutor for helping us through the difficult situation, and judicial assistance made me feel warm." On February 11, the rescued person Jiang Moumou came to the Bengshan District Procuratorate in Bengbu City, and sent a banner with the words "Judicial assistance warms the hearts of the people Procuratorate for the people", and expressed sincere gratitude.  

   In 2021, Procurator of Bengshan District The court and Bengbu Municipal Procuratorate jointly carried out judicial relief for 17 migrant workers, such as Jiang Moumou, who were unsuccessful in asking for wages. For 17 migrant workers with many applicants and different registered permanent residence, This The court undertaker made a special trip to each applicant's village committee to investigate and verify the family's economic situation, timely started the rescue procedure, and carried out joint rescue with the Bengbu Municipal Procuratorate. A total of 57100 yuan of rescue money was issued. In addition, in order to better resolve social conflicts, the hospital also made full use of the simple public hearing platform, actively contacted with civil affairs, social security, and village houses, and provided diversified assistance to Jiang and other applicants.  

   The judicial assistance of the procuratorial organ is a ray of sunshine for people in distress. The bright red banner is not only a microcosm of the procuratorial organ's implementation of the people's procuratorial work for the people, but also a spur and encouragement to the procurators' judicial work for the people and justice. In the future, the Bengshan District Procuratorate will also continue to take a high sense of political responsibility and mission, adhere to the people centered development concept, and follow the principle of "save as much as possible and implement classified policies" to deliver procuratorial temperature, highlight procuratorial responsibility, continue to do a good job in judicial assistance, solve practical difficulties for the victims, and let the masses deeply feel the judicial care of the procuratorial organ.