Civil administrative procuratorate
Anhui head: actively resolve conflicts and disputes, "small cases" are not underestimated
Time: 2022-02-24 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

   On the morning of February 21, when he went to work, Mr. Chen Hongmou came to Jieshou Municipal Procuratorate happily, told the procurator that the execution money had been received, and sent the banner to express his gratitude.  


   Chen Hongmou and Chen Zhimou sued to Jieshou Court due to the dispute over the rural construction contract, and the Jieshou Court decided that Chen Zhimou should compensate Chen Hongmou 82542 yuan. After the judgment came into effect, Chen Zhimou delayed in performing. In February 2021, Chen Hong applied to the court for compulsory enforcement, but the enforcement was still not in place by January 2022. Therefore, Chen Hongmou applied to Jieshou Municipal Procuratorate for implementation supervision.  


   After examination, there was nothing improper in the court's execution, but the prosecutor found that Chen Hongmou and Chen Zhimou were neighbors and had a harmonious relationship before, because in this case, the two people were the same person, and friction occurred from time to time. If not handled properly, the conflict might intensify.  

   The fundamental purpose of case handling is to repair the damaged social relations. The case handling prosecutor actively contacts the executive judge to jointly do the work of Chen Hongmou and Chen Zhimou. After the full interpretation and reasoning of the prosecutors and judges, the two parties finally reached a settlement, and Chen Zhimou paid a one-time compensation of 75000 yuan to Chen Hongmou. Jieshou Municipal Procuratorate ended the examination of the case and delivered a written decision to Chen Hongmou, who signed for it.