Civil administrative procuratorate
Procurator General Xin Chun asks about the need and plans of enterprises | Anhui Legal Daily
Time: 2022-02-20 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

Anhui Legal Daily (front page on February 18, 2022)

Original title

The Procurator General, Xin Chun, asked about the needs of enterprises, asked about the plans of enterprises

Reporter Yuan Zhongfeng

On February 15, the reporter learned that in order to conscientiously implement the spirit of the conference on improving the work style of the province for the people to do practical things for the enterprise to optimize the environment, several city and county (district) procurators in the province have walked into enterprises or the Federation of Industry and Commerce for several days, asking about the needs and plans of enterprises.

▲ On February 9, Guo Lei, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Procurator General of Chizhou People's Procuratorate, visited enterprises for exchange and discussion.

"How about the return to work and production after the festival? How about the business situation this year?" "What opinions and suggestions do you have for the procuratorial organ?" "What other aspects do we need the procuratorial organ to provide services?" On February 9, Guo Lei, secretary of the Party Leadership Group and chief procurator of Chizhou People's Procuratorate, came to Anhui Tianfang Tea (Group) Co., Ltd. and walked into the front line of the workshop, Learn about the development direction and production and operation of the enterprise in detail, introduce the relevant measures taken by the procuratorial organ to serve private enterprises in recent years, carefully inquire about the judicial needs of the enterprise and the opinions and suggestions on procuratorial case handling.

In addition, the chief procurators of Bozhou, Anqing and other municipal courts have also entered the enterprise. On February 9, Liu Jiying, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Procurator General of the People's Procuratorate of Bozhou City, came to Gujing Group to discuss with the group how to jointly develop the enterprise. On February 11, Li Lingxin, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Procurator General of Anqing People's Procuratorate, paid a visit to Anhui Huamao Group to listen to the opinions and suggestions of enterprises on strengthening procuratorial work and better serving the overall situation.

▲ On February 14, Xu Tengfei, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Procurator General of the People's Procuratorate of Yu'an District, Lu'an City, visited enterprises for exchange and discussion.

"I will add your WeChat and keep in touch. I will continue to pay attention to your development and do a good job in procuratorial security.". On February 14, Xu Tengfei, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Procurator General of the People's Procuratorate of Yu'an District, Lu'an City, successively came to Anhui Anzhong Precision Machine Tool Co., Ltd. and Anhui Landi Energy Saving Glass Co., Ltd. to learn about the development plans and progress of key projects of the two enterprises in detail, publicize and interpret relevant preferential policies for enterprises in the provincial and urban areas, and promote the "351 Project" of the healthy development of private economy by the procuratorial organs And other specific measures to optimize the business environment, hoping that enterprises can make good use of policies and innovate and develop. In addition to direct visits to enterprises, discussing with the Federation of Industry and Commerce on good strategies for serving private enterprises is another way for prosecutors to implement "optimizing the environment for enterprises".

▲ In the afternoon of February 10, Wu Weiping, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Procurator General of the People's Procuratorate of Shexian County, Huangshan City, went to the County Federation of Industry and Commerce to discuss the measures of "optimizing the environment for enterprises".

In the afternoon of February 10, Wu Weiping, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Procurator General of the People's Procuratorate of Shexian County, Huangshan City, went to the County Federation of Industry and Commerce to discuss the measures of "optimizing the environment for enterprises" with the speed of "doing it right away" and the work style of "turning around and implementing it". At the meeting, Wu Weiping introduced the achievements of the Institute in protecting the healthy and legitimate rights and interests of private enterprises in the past three years, and said that it would continue to promote the implementation of criminal justice policies such as "less arrests", "cautious prosecution" and "cautious custody" in Shexian County, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of private enterprises and private entrepreneurs according to law; It will intervene in legal disputes of private enterprises in advance and conduct effective litigation source governance.

On the morning of February 9, Wang Guoquan, Deputy Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Procurator General of the People's Procuratorate of Fanchang District, Wuhu City, held an informal discussion with the District Federation of Industry and Commerce on further strengthening cooperation and better serving private enterprises. The two sides also fully communicated and reached consensus on improving the implementation subject of the joint conference platform, clarifying the division of responsibilities, and improving the working mechanism.