Civil administrative procuratorate
Lujiang, Hefei: civil enforcement supervision to resolve old disputes
Time: February 15, 2022 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small
"Thank you very much to the procuratorate. The compensation payment that has been delayed for more than 8 years has finally been received. Thank you!" On 24th, Jiang Jia and his niece came to the procuratorate of Lujiang County and sent a bright banner to the prosecutor Su Bing, who held the prosecutor's hands excitedly and thanked him repeatedly.  
In February 2012, Jiang Yi, Jiang Jia's younger brother, was seriously injured in a traffic accident. In December of the same year, the court ruled that Jiang Jia received more than 200000 yuan of civil compensation according to law. Shortly after the judgment came into effect, Jiang Yi, 43, died unfortunately, but the compensation was not paid.  
On April 26, 2013, Jiang Yi's daughter, who was still studying, applied to the court for enforcement. The court took relevant enforcement measures after filing the case, but did not find that the person subject to enforcement had property available for enforcement. The case entered the status of "ending this enforcement".  
In the following eight years, Jiang Jia's family raised his niece. As the only guardian, he went to the residence of the person subjected to execution many times, but got nothing. On October 15, 2021, Jiang Jia came to the Lujiang County Procuratorate to apply for civil enforcement supervision, which accepted the application on its own authority.  
After the case was accepted, the prosecutor in charge of the case immediately checked the case execution file, asked the parties, and learned about the bank deposits, real estate, vehicles, etc. of the person subjected to execution during the execution of the court in detail. After searching in many ways, he finally got in touch with the person subjected to execution. The undertaking prosecutor patiently interpreted the law and reasoned with the person subjected to execution, informed him in detail of the consequences and legal risks of his failure to fulfill his repayment obligations, as well as the impact of the case on the applicant's family production and life, and actively urged the person subjected to execution to fulfill his repayment obligations as soon as possible.  
At the end of 2021, under the joint mediation of the Lujiang County Procuratorate and the County Court, the two parties voluntarily reached a settlement agreement. The person subjected to execution timely fulfilled the repayment obligation to the applicant for execution in accordance with the settlement agreement. More than half a month later, Jiang Jia withdrew his supervision application to the Lujiang County Procuratorate.