Civil administrative procuratorate
Huaibei Duji: "Procuratorial Blue" Helps Migrant Workers "Pay" Happy New Year
Time: 2022-02-07 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

   "All the wages owed to migrant workers have been paid. Thank you to the procuratorial organ for helping us urge the contractor to pay wages to migrant workers, so migrant workers can finally enjoy the New Year." Director Zhao of the Social Affairs Development Bureau of Huaibei Development Zone excitedly expressed his gratitude to the procurator.  

   In 2021, more than 20 people including Wang were employed by Deng, the head contractor, as bricklayers in a construction project contracted by him. After the project was completed, Deng failed to fulfill his payment obligations as agreed, and owed more than 320000 yuan of wages to more than 20 people including Wang. After repeated urging by Wang and others, Deng refused to pay for the project because it did not make money. On January 26, 2022, Wang and others sent a letter to Huaibei Development Zone. After receiving the visit, Director Zhao of the Social Affairs Development Bureau of Huaibei Development Zone contacted the Procuratorate of Duji District of Huaibei City in a timely manner to request support for migrant workers to ask for salary. After preliminary investigation, the undertaking prosecutor learned that more than 20 people, including Wang, were migrant workers, and Deng, the head contractor, was in arrears with his wages, which led to living difficulties. The undertaking prosecutor immediately contacted Deng, who recognized the fact that he owed more than 320000 yuan to Wang and other 20 people. Considering that migrant workers have been in arrears for a long time and have been closed in recent years, in order to achieve the goal of asking for wages as soon as possible. The undertaking prosecutor, together with the Social Affairs Development Bureau of Huaibei Development Zone and other relevant departments, interviewed Deng, the head of the labor contractor, and explained the punishment of the government and the law on the arrears of migrant workers' wages and the relevant legal provisions. After legal interpretation and reasoning, Deng, the head contractor, promised to settle the wages owed before the Spring Festival and sign a letter of commitment. On January 28, 2022, Deng paid off the salary of more than 320000 yuan owed to Wang and other 20 migrant workers in cash.  

   During the handling of this case, the People's Procuratorate of Duji District gave full play to its civil procuratorial function, actively mastered the case through investigation and verification, actively communicated and coordinated, urged the employing enterprises and individuals to pay the wages of migrant workers, and finally solved the problem of wage arrears, timely and effectively guaranteed the "salary" of migrant workers to celebrate the New Year, and safeguarded the legitimate rights and interests of migrant workers.