Civil administrative procuratorate
Wuhu Jinghu: return visit to the site to check and implement the inspection suggestions after they are issued
Time: December 6, 2021-1Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small
"As a road reconstruction construction unit, we will definitely improve our awareness of environmental protection, strengthen management, take effective measures to immediately rectify, prevent environmental pollution, and fulfill the responsibility of enterprises to protect the environment." On November 19, the Wuhu Jinghu District Procuratorate and the District Urban Management Bureau paid a return visit to the rectification of the construction dust on the sidewalks of Yinhu South Road, The person in charge of the enterprise at the construction site said.  
During the on-site return visit, the case handlers saw that the construction unit had set up obvious signs and safety enclosure prevention facilities on the construction site, covered with yellow sand cement, etc., and sprinkled water to suppress dust in such dust prone processes as floor tile cutting. The dust pollution was effectively controlled.  
At the beginning of November this year, the police of the Fifth Procuratorial Department of the Jinghu District Procuratorate found during their visit that when the construction unit was upgrading the pedestrian roads of Yinhu South Road and Jiuhua Middle Road, due to the rush period, no dust control measures were taken when cutting the floor tiles, the materials were not covered, and the road dust was not cleared in time, resulting in a large amount of dust pollution, It affects the atmospheric environment and brings adverse effects to the physical and mental health of the masses.  
Through comprehensive investigation and evidence collection, the Jinghu District Procuratorate issued pre litigation inspection suggestions to the relevant competent departments according to law, suggesting that the responsible units should perform their duties according to law, investigate and deal with illegal acts on the site in a timely manner and strengthen daily supervision. After receiving the procuratorial suggestions, the relevant departments took positive actions to strengthen supervision. Jinghu District Urban Management Bureau also interviewed the person in charge of the construction unit for many times, requiring the construction unit to earnestly fulfill the main responsibility of safe construction and dust prevention, and take effective measures to rectify, which has achieved good results.  
In order to fully understand the implementation effect of the procuratorial recommendations, the discipline inspection and supervision team assigned by the Jinghu District Commission for Discipline Inspection to the District Procuratorate also participated in the return visit of the procuratorial recommendations. From the issuance to the implementation of the pre litigation inspection suggestions, they not only effectively protected the urban ecological environment, strengthened the communication and cooperation between the procuratorial organ and the administrative organ, but also made the construction unit realize the importance of "green construction".