Civil administrative procuratorate
Boosting the development of private economy, Anhui's "ten major measures" have been put into practice
Time: September 17, 2021 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

   The rule of law is the best business environment. In order to guarantee and promote the healthy development of the private economy according to law, in June this year, the Anhui Provincial Procuratorate issued the Ten Measures of the Procuratorate of Anhui Province to Promote the High Quality Development of the Private Economy (hereinafter referred to as the "Ten Measures"). The procuratorate of the whole province took active action to strictly implement the system of private entrepreneurs' direct appointment with the Procurator General, and received good results.  

   After the introduction of the "Ten Major Measures", the procuratorial organs around Anhui organized to learn the contents of the "Ten Major Measures" as soon as possible, combined with the work requirements and based on the actual work in various places, further studied the specific measures to establish the system of private entrepreneurs' direct interview with the chief procurator, interviewed private entrepreneurs through the chief procurator, "zero distance" contact with private entrepreneurs, and practice "what the people call, what the people do" We should take the procuratorial responsibility to solve the legal problems encountered in the development of private economy. The leaders of the provincial procuratorate handled 6 letters and visits from private entrepreneurs. The provincial procuratorate has implemented 135 direct interviews with the chief procurator for 153 people, including 26 interviews with the chief procurator for 25 times by the municipal procuratorate and 127 interviews with the chief procurator for 110 times by the grass-roots procuratorate.  

   After the establishment of the system of private entrepreneurs' direct appointment with the Procurator General, various measures have been taken to ensure the smooth and unimpeded access of the appointment channel. By establishing a "green channel" for accepting complaints and accusations involving private enterprises, setting up a "private enterprise service post" in the procuratorial hall, and opening a special consultation telephone and mailbox for private enterprises, private entrepreneurs can apply for an appointment with the chief procurator through the complaint and appeal window, 12309 procuratorial service platform, 96309 service hotline for private enterprises and other channels. After receiving the application, the procuratorial organ, Quickly arrange an appointment with the Procurator General to solve problems. as Wuhu Procuratorate Appoint special personnel to be on duty to serve the hotline of private enterprises, so as to ensure that the demands of private entrepreneurs can be handled at the first time. Quanjiao County Procuratorate Private enterprise service posts are specially set up in the procuratorial affairs hall, so that private enterprises can really feel the "procuratorial temperature".  

   In order to strengthen the relationship between procuratorates and enterprises, various regions have explored the establishment of an active contact mechanism, established two-way communication with private enterprises through the way of the Procurator General's active visit to private enterprises or holding seminars, listened to opinions and appeals, found and solved the emerging and tendentious problems affecting the development of private economy in a timely manner, and escorted the positive development of private enterprises. as Procurator General of Suixi County Procuratorate Visit and investigate private enterprises in Suixi County and hold a symposium to inquire about development problems and help enterprises develop. Yushan District Procuratorate We visited enterprises five times for research, sent the law to the enterprise three times for service, and issued the Request for Comments to collect legal needs and suggestions. Hefeis Procuratorate In the big research activity of "never forget the original intention, remember the mission, set an example and take the lead", we carried out research activities in private enterprises, listened to their demands, and visited a total of 34 private enterprises, which reflected the mission and practical action of the procuratorial organ to help the healthy development of the private economy.