Civil administrative procuratorate
Huangshan Tunxi: "I know how to obtain evidence!"
Time: August 9, 2021 Author: News source: SRC-25708896 [Font size: large | in | Small
"Thanks to the prosecutor for teaching me how to collect evidence to protect my legitimate rights and interests, which solved my troubles!" Zhu Moumou, a resident of Tunxi District, Huangshan City, said excitedly. In July of this year, Zhu and Xie, the housing intermediary, successfully solved the problem of refund of intermediary fees and house purchase intention money under the interpretation of the prosecutor of Tunxi District Procuratorate.  
It is reported that Zhu Moumou paid a total of 35000 yuan of intermediary fees and house purchase intention money to Xie Moumou, a housing intermediary, for the purchase of a house. Later, Xie Moumou failed to make a successful transaction due to Xie Moumou's improper handling. Xie Moumou was vague about the repayment item, evaded passivity in action and deliberately avoided it. Zhu consulted with a lawyer, who believed that the two parties had not signed a written intermediary service contract, and the content of WeChat was not enough to prove the establishment of the claim for refund, so he was not sure to win the lawsuit.  
After learning from the media that the procuratorial organ is carrying out practical activities for the people, he submitted a written application to the Procuratorate of Tunxi District for legal assistance. After receiving the written application, the prosecutor of the court immediately carried out the settlement of letters and visits. On the basis of a comprehensive review of the evidence provided by Zhu, combined with his statement, the prosecutor in charge explained the legal nature of the dispute, evidence requirements, evidence collection methods and relief channels for Zhu in detail. Zhu quickly fixed the basic litigation evidence. In order to further thoroughly resolve conflicts and disputes, the undertaking prosecutor, adhering to the objective and fair judicial concept, convened both parties to communicate face to face, and finally reached an understanding agreement. Xie said that he would raise money and refund as soon as possible. So far, this contradiction and dispute has been substantially resolved.