Civil administrative procuratorate
Lujiang Procurator: "Support" for Peasant Workers
Time: April 19, 2021 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small
"The execution funds of 19 applicants have been fully distributed". Recently, the Lujiang County Procuratorate received a reply from the Lujiang County Court that the salary arrears of nearly 7 years were finally paid to 19 migrant workers in Lujiang County.  
Since 2013, a company in Lujiang County has owed more than 530000 yuan to 19 migrant workers due to poor management. In 2018, 19 migrant workers applied to the Lujiang County Procuratorate for support in prosecution. The procuratorial organ, after examination, found that the conditions for support in prosecution were met, so it issued a supporting indictment to the court in accordance with the law to support the rights of these migrant workers in litigation. The court adopted the opinion of supporting the prosecution in the trial. After mediation, 19 migrant workers reached an agreement with the company that the company should pay off the wages owed by February 10, 2018.  
At the end of 2020, Lujiang County Procuratorate followed up and supervised the implementation of this series of cases, but found that the company did not perform the mediation agreement, so it started the implementation supervision procedure on its own authority. The procuratorial organ found out that the company involved in the execution of several cases and was insolvent through obtaining the execution files, and there were problems in the execution procedures of some cases in this series. In order to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of migrant workers in accordance with the law, the Lujiang County Procuratorate issued procuratorial recommendations in accordance with the law, urged the standardization of implementation procedures, and strengthened implementation. After the court adopted the procuratorial advice, it finally successfully helped 19 migrant workers to get more than 530000 yuan of wages that had been delayed for many years.