Civil administrative procuratorate
Anhui Procurator: Let the community correction objects "go out" and "manage"
Time: December 29, 2020 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

A year ago, the procuratorial and judicial administrative organs of four provinces and cities in Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui jointly signed the Administrative Measures for the Outgoing of Community Prisoners in Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui (for Trial Implementation) (hereinafter referred to as the Administrative Measures for the Outgoing of Community Prisoners in Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui) in response to problems affecting the business development of enterprises such as the difficulty of asking for leave of community prisoners involved in private enterprises. Over the past year, The procuratorial organ of Anhui Province conscientiously implemented this work system, actively explored and solved the contradiction between standardizing the supervision of community correction objects and providing services to ensure economic and social development, and made the community correction objects "accessible" and "manageable" with relaxed supervision, which effectively promoted the production and operation of enterprises and the resumption of work and production.  

Ni Moumou, the object of community correction, is the actual controller of a high-tech enterprise integrating scientific research, design, production and sales in Wangui District, Wuhu City, Anhui Province. In the second half of 2019, the order reduction of the enterprise was in a semi shutdown state, After knowing the situation, Wanpeng District Procuratorate immediately coordinated with the District Judicial Bureau and other relevant departments, and approved them to go to Inner Mongolia, Shaanxi and other places to negotiate business. Ni took the opportunity to go out and signed an intention agreement with relevant enterprises amounting to more than 5 million yuan, and signed a formal product ordering contract amounting to more than 1 million yuan, which effectively helped the enterprise resume production.

At present, there are more than 30000 registered community correction objects in Anhui Province. In order to ensure the normal work and life needs of this special group, the procuratorial organ of Anhui Province insists on combining supervision with service to ensure the healthy development of private enterprises, and constantly improves the quality and efficiency of supervision. In the past year, the province Anqing Community Correction Object 530 people went out on leave, including 155 people from private enterprises for production and service operation. Hefei Community Correction Objects The number of people going out for leave increased by more than 200 on a year-on-year basis, including more than 10 people approved to go out by private entrepreneurs. Lujiang County, Hefei City Zhu Mouxiang, the object of community correction, needs to go out for sales frequently to engage in planting production. In order to ensure its normal production and operation, The county procuratorate suggested that the county community correction organization approve him to go out for many times. The community correction object also led many farmers around to shake off poverty due to the development of planting industry, which won praise from villagers.  

In order to fully understand the actual needs of community correction objects in production, operation and return to work, The Procuratorate of Dangshan County, Suzhou City, together with the judicial bureau of the county, carried out a special investigation and established a basic information account for private entrepreneurs and enterprise personnel in the period of community correction, At the same time, WeChat application, online processing and other information means are used to promote the rapid processing of approval. The object of community correction, Wang Moumou, is the legal representative of a new energy company in Dangshan County. In 2020, he went out for many times due to business negotiation and participation in litigation, and quickly handled leave approval procedures for him by means of prior approval and online submission of certification materials.

Allowing community correction objects to go out for management does not mean relaxing management. The procuratorial organ of Anhui Province guarantees the legalization and standardization of this work with strong supervision. In August this year, The Anhui Provincial Procuratorate has formed four community correction patrol inspection teams, A total of 51 problems were found in the patrol inspection of the community correction and supervision work in the relevant places of the province. After the patrol inspection, the Anhui Provincial Procuratorate issued procuratorial suggestions to the Provincial Department of Justice to urge the implementation of the rectification work in accordance with the problems such as the non-standard leave of community correction objects. The procuratorial organs at the two levels of Hefei also cooperated with the judicial administration departments to explore the establishment of a city wide trusteeship system, The community correction institution in the execution place and the trusteeship place shall share the dynamic control information every month and report the control situation to the procuratorial organ in a timely manner. Up to now, Hefei has implemented supervision of more than 20 community correction objects in different cities.

   In Bozhou, Anhui The local procuratorial organ strengthened the supervision of community correction objects' going out for leave from eight aspects: key control objects' asking for leave, frequent going out for leave, long time asking for leave, asking for resumption from leave procedure supervision, and file management. In the past year, there were 256 community correction objects in the city asking for leave to go out, 129 of whom went out to Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang, with the approval rate of 98%, and 17 people went through the formalities for renewal of leave. If the report of the two returned from their trip is not true, the procuratorial organ will urge the community correction institution to investigate and verify and give a warning. In Hefei, Anhui, Over the past year, the procuratorial organ has supervised and corrected 4 illegal cases of community correction objects asking for resumption from leave, and corrected more than 70 people who were released from custody.