Civil administrative procuratorate
Huangshan Xiuning: procuratorial supervision helped solve two cases of "difficult execution"
Time: October 12, 2020 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

In order to further promote the implementation of the "351" project, further optimize the business environment of the private economy, and boost the healthy development of the private economy with greater efforts, the Procuratorate of Xiuning County, Huangshan City, Anhui Province recently handled two cases involving the implementation and supervision of private enterprises.

A famous tea factory in Xiuning County filed a civil lawsuit for a dispute over the sales contract with others, requesting to recover the arrears. After the judgment came into effect, the defendant has not fulfilled his obligation to pay, and then applied for compulsory execution. The Procuratorate of Xiuning County visited many times to listen to opinions, and communicated and coordinated with the court in a timely manner, suggesting that the court resume execution, At the same time, they also reached a consensus with the court on other property available for execution and the next step. At present, the court of the county is stepping up its enforcement efforts and striving to implement as soon as possible.

A company in Huangshan City has difficulty in capital turnover due to others' arrears of payment for goods. Yao is in arrears of more than 200000 yuan of payment for goods. After applying to the court for compulsory execution, he only paid more than 50000 yuan. The rest was delayed again and again. After applying to the Xiuning County Procuratorate for enforcement supervision, the court attached great importance to it. Later, it contacted the court several times to suggest and urge it to strengthen enforcement. Recently, Yao directly paid 100000 yuan to the company, and the balance was requested to be postponed. In order to ensure the effectiveness of supervision, on September 29, 2020, Procurator General Xu Maolin presided over a hearing, and invited deputies to the National People's Congress, CPPCC members, people's supervisors, and county court executives to participate in the hearing. At the hearing, the main opinions of both parties were fully listened to, and the specific conditions of both parties were analyzed. After multiple communication and consultation, the two parties finally reached an agreement, Yao promised to pay the remaining arrears in a lump sum before the end of October 2020.