Civil administrative procuratorate
Chaohu, Hefei: The black hearted shopkeeper was punished by adding poppy stalks to "taste"
Time: June 4, 2020 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small
On May 7, Chaohu Municipal Procuratorate heard the case of criminal incidental civil public interest litigation against the production and sale of toxic and harmful food. The defendant Wu Moumou was sentenced to 7 months' imprisonment, suspended for 1 year, and fined 20000 yuan. During the probation period of suspension, he was not allowed to engage in food production, sales and related activities, and was ordered to make a public apology to the public through the provincial media within 10 days from the effective date of the judgment.    


   From June to October 2019, the defendant Wu Moumou sold roasted duck soup, stewed dried soup and other food with poppy stalks added by himself in the Yinping Roast Duck Store in Lvpo Street, Yinping Town, Chaohu City. The sales volume reached more than 10000 yuan, and the illegal profit was more than 5000 yuan.    

   Upon inspection, the above soup all contains poppy straw, morphine, codeine, nacodine and tibain. According to the provisions of the List of Non edible Substances and Food Additives that May Be Illegally Added to Food (the First Batch), poppy stalks are non edible substances and illegal additives. Poppy stalks, morphine, codeine, nacodine and tibain are the main components of opium drugs, which are not detectable in food. Consumers who eat the food containing the above substances will have mild drug addiction symptoms. If they eat it for a long time, they will depend on the above substances psychologically and physiologically, which will cause great harm to human body.    

   In order to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of many consumers, in accordance with the provisions of the Civil Procedure Law and relevant judicial interpretations, the Chaohu Municipal Procuratorate, while filing a criminal lawsuit against Wu Moumou for the crime of producing and selling toxic and harmful food, filed a civil public interest suit incidental to criminal proceedings, and appealed to the court for sentencing the defendant Wu Moumou to criminal punishment, He was ordered to publicly apologize to the public through the media. All the petitions of the procuratorial organ were supported by the court, which made the above-mentioned judgment according to law.