Civil administrative procuratorate
Prosecutors help poor households raise cattle to support their dreams of becoming rich
Time: September 25, 2019 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small
Zhao Chuangu, Zhaoguai Village, Wudian Town, Fengyang County, is an honest, hardworking man. In order to live a better life for a family of seven, he spared no pains to go out early and return late. Year after year's hard work did not bring much change to the family. Especially when he is old and suffered from cerebral infarction a few years ago, he still has vague words and inconvenient actions. His wife was half paralyzed. His son suffered from spinal disease many years ago. In addition to three grandchildren studying in school, his daughter-in-law became the only "pillar" of the family. The family worried about their livelihood all day long.  
When Zhao Chuangu couldn't do anything to support the family, the spring breeze of the Party's poverty alleviation blew into the small village, and the sunshine of targeted poverty alleviation spread to the poor family who suffered much. In April 2015, Wu Changzhong, a member of the Party Leadership Group and director of the Political Department of the County Procuratorate, was appointed by the organization to take charge of the paired poverty alleviation work of this family.  
Facing the current situation of Zhao Chuangu's family, in order to help get rid of poverty and become rich as soon as possible, Wu Changzhong had a deep understanding of the family situation, thought over and over again. After having a preliminary poverty alleviation plan, he gathered Zhao Chuangu's family together and calculated an account for them: although the family has a large population, there are not many labors, and they belong to families with senior and junior families. If the son and daughter-in-law go out to work, they earn a lot of money, but the elderly and children are not cared for; If you earn money by planting crops at home, you can only maintain a normal life through busy work all the year round. Although you can get rid of poverty, you can hardly become rich. Only through the development of aquaculture industry can we get rid of poverty, which can not only increase income, but also give consideration to families. It is the most appropriate poverty alleviation measure. This idea was immediately recognized by Zhao Chuangu. But what do you breed? Wu Changzhong also calculated another account for them: the risk of cattle raising is small, the probability of plague is low, and the price of beef rarely rises and falls sharply. The government subsidizes the poor households to raise two cows in total. If they buy one calf for fattening at 4000 yuan, they can get a government subsidy of 4000 yuan. The fattening time of more than three months will cost 1000 yuan of forage. The selling price at the end of the year should be about 8000 yuan. A cow plus the government subsidy can earn a net profit of 7000 yuan.  
Just do what you say. In June 2016, with the assistance of Wu Changzhong, we first applied for a loan of 30000 yuan for "two exemptions and one subsidy", which solved the capital problem. Then we built a cowshed on the abandoned old house base in front of our home, and purchased several calves in succession.  
Zhao Chuangu's family not only raised cattle, but also planted rape, rice, potato, cassia seed, etc. In order to increase her income, Li Ping, her daughter-in-law, took time to help others process insoles and pick tea leaves. She would spare no effort to earn money.  
The hard work has paid off handsomely. Zhao Chuangu and his family have been engaged in breeding day and night. In just two years, they have sold six cows, with a net profit of more than 30000 yuan. After the first taste of the "sweetness" of cattle raising, the investment will be increased every year, with the maximum of 26 cattle raised. Before the Spring Festival this year, the total income of killing cattle for meat and selling calves will be more than 80000 yuan. Fortunately, by the end of last year, this family had been honorably lifted out of poverty and was elected as the "Star of Poverty Alleviation" of Wudian Town.  
Zhao Chuangu often said, "Director Wu of the Procuratorate is very kind to us. He not only helps us apply for serious disease relief, breeding subsidies, education subsidies, but also pays his own money to buy walking aids, wardrobes, quilts for our old couple. He is really a good cadre of the Communist Party. As for people, they can't stay at home and wait for the government to send money forever. Only by living with a sense of spirit and ambition, self-reliance, hard work, and getting rid of the "poverty hat" as soon as possible, can they live up to the expectations of helping people. " Whenever he talked about these things, his eyes were bright and bright.