Civil administrative procuratorate
The Procuratorate of the High tech Zone: The procuratorial force sinks, escorting the development of private enterprises
Time: July 16, 2019 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

Within the jurisdiction of the High tech Procuratorate There are more than 3000 high-tech enterprises, 95% of which are private enterprises. With the development of the industrial cluster, disharmonious factors that affect the development of enterprises also appear. Criminal crimes that infringe on the interests of enterprise property rights, such as intellectual property infringement, job occupation, false litigation, etc. occur from time to time.

Anhui Sanzhong Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd. is a small and micro enterprise with scientific and technological innovation in the high-tech zone. Through continuous exploration and innovation, it has independently developed a "Intelligent flexible automobile harness production line" has more than 30 high-value invention patents. However, during the development of the enterprise, due to the eagerness of financing, it fell into a group of carefully designed routine loan traps.

At a time when the enterprise was in trouble and unable to do anything, the procuratorate of the High tech Zone actively helped the enterprise to take up the legal weapons and safeguard its own rights and interests.

Hefei Ruixue Chemical Technology Co., Ltd. is an enterprise engaged in ink development in the High tech Zone. Once the company's ink formula and other trade secrets were violated, and with the help of the procuratorate, the company timely recovered its economic losses.

In 2018, the High tech Procuratorate set up a leading group to protect private economy, formulated the Opinions of the Hefei High tech Zone Procuratorate on Serving and Ensuring the Healthy Development of Private Economy, the Implementation Plan of the Hefei High tech Zone Procuratorate on "Protecting Intellectual Property Rights and Escort Private Economy" and other relevant documents, and established an organizational structure to protect private economy from the institutional level.

The High tech Procuratorate has always insisted "The procuratorial force will sink and the service will rise". Through field research, we will understand the legal needs of private enterprises, and further enhance the way and effect of procuratorial organs to serve enterprises through face-to-face contact with enterprises.

