Civil administrative procuratorate
Guarding the public welfare, Huaibei Procuratorate set up a workstation in the Market Supervision Administration
Time: June 25, 2019 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

five month thirty The public interest litigation workstation of Huaibei Municipal People's Procuratorate in Huaibei Municipal Market Supervision and Administration Bureau was officially set up on August, This is the first public interest litigation workstation set up in the market supervision and administration department in the province Tang Baoyin, Procurator General of Huaibei Procuratorate, and Zhou Jie, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the Market Supervision Administration jointly unveiled the workstation.

Tang Baoyin pointed out that the procuratorial organ is the representative of the public interest, and the administrative organ stands at the front line of public interest protection. The two are highly consistent in the goal of safeguarding public interest. In the future, both sides should give full play to the role of workstations, work together in food and drug safety and other fields, fully protect the legitimate rights and interests of the people, and earnestly safeguard the national interests and social and public interests.

After the unveiling ceremony, the two sides held a discussion. Chen Yongliang, Deputy Procurator General of Huaibei Procuratorate The establishment, development and significance of the prosecutorial public interest litigation system were deeply and comprehensively introduced, and it was pointed out that the establishment of the public interest litigation workstation was an important measure to thoroughly implement the decision-making deployment of the Central Committee, the Provincial Party Committee and the Supreme People's Procuratorate, give full play to the prosecutorial function, and escort the construction of Huaibei food and drug safety and other fields. He asked the procuratorial organ to make full use of the workstation as a favorable platform, actively carry out public interest litigation work, and effectively guarantee Safety on the tongue of thousands of households And strive to achieve win-win, multi win and win-win results.

Huaibei Municipal Market Supervision and Administration Bureau welcomed the establishment of the public interest litigation workstation, and requested the market supervision and administration departments of the whole city to actively implement the "Implementation Measures of Huaibei Public Interest Litigation Cooperation Mechanism in Food and Drug Safety and Other Fields" countersigned by both sides, fully support the public interest litigation work of the procuratorial organs, and jointly make greater contributions to the transformation and development of Huaibei.